Labelling and description of specified honey products
4.—(1) Without prejudice to the generality of Part II of the 1996 Regulations, no person shall sell to the ultimate consumer or to a catering establishment any specified honey product unless it is marked or labelled with the following particulars —
(a)a reserved description of the product;
(b)in the case of baker’s honey the words “intended for cooking only” which words shall appear on the label in close proximity to the product name;
(c)the country or countries of origin where the honey has been harvested save that if the honey originates in more than one Member State or third country the country of origin may be replaced with one of the following as appropriate —
(i)“blend of EC honeys”,
(ii)“blend of non-EC honeys”,
(iii)“blend of EC and non-EC honeys”;
(2) No person shall sell to the ultimate consumer or to a catering establishment any filtered honey or baker’s honey which is marked or labelled with information relating to floral or vegetable origin, regional, territorial or topographical origin or specific quality criteria.
(4) Where pursuant to note 2 of Schedule 1, the reserved description “honey” has been used in the product name of a compound foodstuff containing baker’s honey, no person shall sell such a compound foodstuff unless the list of ingredients includes the term “baker’s honey”.