Amendment of the Water Undertakers (Rateable Values) (Wales) Order 2000

2.  In the Water Undertakers Order —

(a)in article 2(1) after the definition of “Central List Regulations” insert ““the central rating list” (“y rhestr ardrethu ganolog”) means the central non-domestic rating list for Wales compiled on 1st April 2000;”;

(b)in article 5 after the date “1st April 2000” where it first appears insert the words “for which the central rating list is in force”;

(c)in article 7(1) after the word “year” where it first appears insert the words “for which the central rating list is in force”; and

(d)in article 7(2) after the word “year” where it first appears insert the words “for which the central rating list is in force”.