
Offerynnau Statudol Cymru

2003 Rhif 992 (Cy.141)


Rheoliadau Deddf Trwyddedu Sŵau 1981 (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003

Wedi'u gwneud

2 Ebrill 2003

Yn dod i rym

22 Ebrill 2003

Mae Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, sydd wedi ei ddynodi(1) at ddibenion adran 2(2) o Ddeddf Cymunedau Ewropeaidd 1972(2) ynghylch mesurau sy'n ymwneud â chadw anifeiliaid gwylltion mewn sŵau, drwy arfer y pwerau a roddwyd iddo gan yr adran 2 uchod, drwy hyn yn gwneud y Rheoliadau canlynol:

Enw, cychwyn a dehongli

1.—(1Enw'r Rheoliadau hyn yw Rheoliadau Deddf Trwyddedu Sŵau 1981 (Diwygio) (Cymru) 2003 a deuant i rym ar 22 Ebrill 2003.

(2Yn y Rheoliadau hyn—

ystyr y “Ddeddf” (“the Act”) yw Deddf Trwyddedu Sŵau 1981(3);

ystyr “Rheoliadau 2002” (“the 2002 Regulations”) yw Rheoliadau Deddf Trwyddedu Sŵau 1981 (Diwygio) (Cymru a Lloegr) 2002(4)).

Cymhwyso'r Ddeddf: Cymru

2.—(1Mae adran 22A o'r Ddeddf (a fewnosodir gan Reoliadau 2002) yn peidio â bod yn effeithiol fel bod y diwygiadau i'r Ddeddf a wnaed gan reoliadau 3 i 26 o Reoliadau 2002 ac sydd wedi eu cynnwys yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn hefyd yn gymwys i Gymru.

(2Mae'r cyfeiriad yn Atodlen 1 i Orchymyn Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (Trosglwyddo Swyddogaethau) 1999(5) at y Ddeddf i'w drin fel pe bai'n cyfeirio at y Ddeddf fel y'i diwygiwyd gan Reoliadau 2002 a chan y Rheoliadau hyn.

Trwyddedau Cyfredol

3.—(1Mae'r rheoliad hwn yn gymwys i bob sw yng Nghymru y mae trwydded mewn grym ar ei gyfer o dan y Ddeddf ar 22 Ebrill 2003 heblaw sŵau sy'n cau cyn 1 Hydref 2003.

(2Rhaid i'r awdurdod lleol sicrhau, cyn 1 Hydref 2003, fod pob trwydded a roddir ganddo o dan y Ddeddf yn cynnwys y fath amodau sydd, yn nhyb yr awdurdod, yn angenrheidiol neu'n ddymunol er mwyn sicrhau bod y mesurau cadwraeth y cyfeirir atynt yn adran 1A o'r Ddeddf yn cael eu rhoi ar waith yn y sw, a gall newid y drwydded at y diben hwnnw.

(3Mae adran 16(2), (3) a (4) i (6) o'r Ddeddf yn gymwys ynghylch newid trwydded o dan baragraff (2) fel petai'r cyfeiriadau yn adran 16(2) a (6) at “subsection (1)” yn gyfeiriadau at y paragraff hwnnw.

(4Mae adran 18(1)(b) ac (c), (2), (3), (5) a (7) o'r Ddeddf yn gymwys ynghylch newid trwydded o dan baragraff (2).

(5Wrth benderfynu ynghylch pa amodau i'w gosod ar drwydded o dan baragraff (2) rhaid i awdurdod ystyried unrhyw safonau a bennir i Gymru gan Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan adran 9 o'r Ddeddf.

(6Ni chaiff newid trwydded o dan baragraff (2) ei drin fel newid sylweddol at ddibenion adran 16 o'r Ddeddf.

Darpariaeth drosiannol i sŵau heb drwyddedau

4.—(1Mae'r rheoliad hwn yn gymwys i sw yng Nghymru y mae'n ofynnol iddo, oherwydd y diwygiadau a wneir i'r Ddeddf gan Reoliadau 2002 a chan y Rheoliadau hyn, gael ei drwyddedu o dan y Ddeddf ond nad oedd hi'n ofynnol iddo gael ei drwyddedu felly yn union cyn 22 Ebrill 2003.

(2Er gwaethaf unrhyw ddiwygiad o'r fath, caiff person a oedd, yn union cyn 22 Ebrill 2003, yn rhedeg sw y mae'r rheoliad hwn yn gymwys iddo ar unrhyw dir neu mewn unrhyw adeiladau barhau i redeg y sw hwnnw ar y tir neu yn yr adeiladau hynny heb drwydded o dan y Ddeddf—

(a)yn ystod y cyfnod o 6 mis sy'n dechrau ar y dyddiad hwnnw; a

(b)os yn ystod y cyfnod hwnnw gwneir cais am drwydded, nes bod penderfyniad terfynol yn cael ei wneud ynglŷn â'r cais hwnnw, neu fod y cais yn cael ei dynnu yn ôl.

(3Nid yw adran 16C o'r Ddeddf yn gymwys i sw y mae'r rheoliad hwn yn gymwys iddo tra caniateir i berson barhau i redeg y sw heb drwydded yn rhinwedd paragraff (2).

(4Os caiff y drwydded ei rhoi, caiff ei rhoi am gyfnod o bedair blynedd sy'n dechrau ar y dyddiad y rhoddir y drwydded arno.

Llofnodwyd ar ran Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru o dan adran 66(1) o Ddeddf Llywodraeth Cymru 1998(6).

D. Elis-Thomas

Llywydd y Cynulliad Cenedlaethol

2 Ebrill 2003

Rheoliad 2(1)


Diwygio adran 1 (trwyddedu sŵau gan awdurdodau lleol)

(Rheoliad 4 o Reoliadau 2002)

1.—(ayn is-adran (2) hepgorir y geiriau o “; and this Act” hyd at ddiwedd yr is-adran; a

(b)ar ôl is-adran (2) mewnosodir yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(2A) This Act applies to any zoo to which members of the public have access, with or without charge for admission, on seven days or more in any period of twelve consecutive months.

(2B) This Act also applies in accordance with its terms to any zoo to which members of the public do not have such access if a licence is in force in respect of it or as otherwise provided (in particular, in sections 13 and 16C to 16G).

(2C) In this Act—

(a)a section of a zoo means—

(i)a particular part of the zoo premises;

(ii)animals of a particular description in the zoo; or

(iii)animals of a particular description which are kept in a particular part of the zoo premises; and

(b)references to the closure of a section of a zoo to the public mean—

(i)the closure to the public of a particular part of the zoo premises;

(ii)ceasing to exhibit animals of a particular description to the public; or

(iii)ceasing to exhibit animals of a particular description to the public in a particular part of the zoo premises..

Mewnosod adran newydd 1A

(Rheoliad 5 o Reoliadau 2002)

2.  Ar ôl adran 1 (trwyddedu sŵau gan awdurdodau lleol) mewnosodir yr adran ganlynol—

Conservation measures for zoos

1A.  The following are conservation measures to be implemented in zoos in accordance with this Act—

(a)participating in at least one of the following—

(i)research from which conservation benefits accrue to species of wild animals;

(ii)training in relevant conservation skills;

(iii)the exchange of information relating to the conservation of species of wild animals;

(iv)where appropriate, breeding of wild animals in captivity; and

(v)where appropriate, the repopulation of an area with, or the reintroduction into the wild of, wild animals;

(b)promoting public education and awareness in relation to the conservation of biodiversity, in particular by providing information about the species of wild animals kept in the zoo and their natural habitats;

(c)accommodating their animals under conditions which aim to satisfy the biological and conservation requirements of the species to which they belong, including—

(i)providing each animal with an environment well-adapted to meet the physical, psychological and social needs of the species to which it belongs; and

(ii)providing a high standard of animal husbandry with a developed programme of preventative and curative veterinary care and nutrition;

(d)preventing the escape of animals and putting in place measures to be taken in the event of any escape or unauthorised release of animals;

(e)preventing the intrusion of pests and vermin into the zoo premises; and

(f)keeping up-to-date records of the zoo’s collection, including records of—

(i)the numbers of different animals;

(ii)acquisitions, births, deaths, disposals and escapes of animals;

(iii)the causes of any such deaths; and

(iv)the health of the animals..

Diwygio adran 2 (gwneud cais am drwydded)

(Rheoliad 6 o Reoliadau 2002)

3.  Mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol ar ôl is-adran (2)—

(2A) Any notice given to the authority under subsection (1) must also specify how the conservation measures referred to in section 1A are being or will be implemented at the zoo..

Diwygio adran 4 (rhoi neu wrthod trwydded)

(Rheoliad 7 o Reoliadau 2002)

4.—(ayn is-adran (1) hepgorir paragraff (b) ac “, or” sy'n dod yn syth o'i flaen;

(b)ar ôl is-adran (1) mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(1A) Before granting or refusing to grant a licence for a zoo, the local authority shall also—

(a)consult the applicant about the conditions they propose would be attached to the licence, if one were granted, under section 5(2A) and (if applicable) section 5(3); and

(b)make arrangements for an inspection to be carried out in accordance with section 9A (subject to subsection (2) of that section).;

(c)ar ôl is-adran (2) mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(2A) The local authority shall also refuse to grant a licence for a zoo if they are not satisfied that the conservation measures referred to in section 1A will be implemented in a satisfactory manner at the zoo.; a

(ch)yn is-adran (3) ar ôl “if” mewnosodir “subsection (2A) does not apply but”.

Diwygio adran 5 (cyfnodau ac amodau trwyddedau)

(Rheoliad 8 o Reoliadau 2002)

5.—(aar ôl is-adran (2) mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(2A) A licence under this Act shall be granted subject to conditions requiring the conservation measures referred to in section 1A to be implemented at the zoo.;

(b)yn is-adran (3)—

(i)ar ôl yr enghraifft gyntaf o'r gair “such” mewnosodir “other”, a

(ii)hepgorir paragraffau (a) a (b);

(c)yn is-adran (4) hepgorir “(if any)”; a

(ch)yn lle is-adran (5) rhoddir yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(5) The Secretary for State may, after consulting the authority, direct them to attach one or more conditions to a licence, and the authority shall give effect to such a direction.

(5A) But he may not direct the authority to attach a condition which is inconsistent with the implementation at the zoo of the conservation measures referred to in section 1A..

Diwygio adran 6 (adnewyddu trwydded)

(Rheoliad 9 o Reoliadau 2002)

6.—(aar ôl is-adran (1) mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(1A) Before extending the period of an existing licence under subsection (1)(a) the authority shall—

(a)make arrangements for an inspection to be carried out in accordance with section 9A (subject to subsection (2) of that section); and

(b)consider the report made to them pursuant to that inspection.; a

(b)yn is-adran (2) hepgorir y geiriau o “and, if” hyd at ddiwedd yr is-adran.

Diwygio adran 7 (trosglwyddo, olynu ac ildio trwyddedau)

(Rheoliad 10 o Reoliadau 2002)

7.  Yn is-adran (1) yn lle'r geiriau o “which application” hyd at ddiwedd yr is-adran rhoddir “specified by the authority and notified by them to the transferor and transferee”

Diwygio adran 8 (rhestr yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol)

(Rheoliad 11 o Reoliadau 2002)

8.—(aar ddiwedd is-adran (2) mewnosodir “and shall be competent to advise about the implementation in zoos of the conservation measures referred to in section 1A”; a

(b)yn is-adran (3) ar ôl “welfare,” mewnosodir “to advise about the implementation in zoos of the conservation measures referred to in section 1A,”.

Mewnosod adran 9A

(Rheoliad 12 o Reoliadau 2002)

9.  Mewnosodir yr adran ganlynol cyn adran 10 (archwiliadau cyfnodol)—

Procedure relating to inspections before the grant, refusal, renewal or significant alteration of licences

9A.(1) This section applies where an inspection is to be carried out as mentioned in sections 4(1A), 6(1A) and 16(2B) and (3A).

(2) Where an inspection under section 10 falls to be carried out within the period of 12 months beginning with the date on which a local authority become required to make arrangements for an inspection to be carried out as mentioned in subsection (1)—

(a)the authority need not arrange for an inspection to be carried out in accordance with this section; and

(b)if they do not, subsections (10) to (13) of this section apply in relation to the inspection under section 10 as they would have applied in relation to an inspection in accordance with this section.

(3) Where—

(a)an application has been made under section 6(1) for renewal of a zoo’s licence and the authority propose to extend the period of the licence; and

(b)one or more inspections of the zoo are required by section 16,

the authority may combine those inspections with the inspection which is required by section 6(1A)(a).

(4) Where more than one inspection is required under section 16, the authority may combine the inspections.

(5) Subject to subsection (6), where in the course of an inspection under section 10 or 12 or in accordance with this section it becomes apparent to the inspectors that a significant alteration to the licence is likely to be needed, they shall—

(a)consult the holder of the licence about that alteration;

(b)consider whether any new conditions they consider will be needed to secure that alteration are likely to be met if the licence is altered; and

(c)include their findings and recommendations in a report.

(6) Subsection (5) does not apply where the inspection is an inspection before the significant alteration of a licence, and the significant alteration the inspectors consider likely to be needed is the same or substantially the same as that which the authority propose to make or the Secretary for State proposes to direct the authority to make.

(7) An inspection required by section 4(1A)(b) or 6(1A)(a) (including an inspection required by section 6(1A)(a) which is combined with another inspection) shall be conducted by one or more inspectors nominated, after consultation with the authority, by the Secretary for State from the list.

(8) An inspection required by subsection (2B)(b) or (3A)(b) of section 16 (including such an inspection which is combined with another such inspection, but not including such an inspection which is combined with an inspection required by section 6(1A)(a)) shall be conducted by one or more persons who appear to the authority to be competent for the purpose and who are authorised by the authority to conduct the inspection.

(9) Before carrying out an inspection in accordance with this section, the authority shall, after consultation with the applicant or operator of the zoo (as the case may be), give him at least twenty-eight days' notice of the date on which it is proposed to carry it out.

(10) Except in the case of an inspection carried out before the grant or refusal of an original licence, the inspector shall consider whether the conditions attached to the licence are met.

(11) In the case of an inspection carried out before the grant or refusal of a licence, the inspector shall consider whether the conditions proposed by the authority under section 4(1A)(a) are likely to be met if the licence is granted.

(12) In the case of an inspection carried out before the period of an existing licence is extended, the inspector shall consider whether the conditions attached to the licence are likely to be met if the period of the licence is extended.

(13) In the case of an inspection carried out before the significant alteration of a licence, the inspector shall consider—

(a)whether any new or varied conditions proposed by the authority under section 16(2B)(a) or by the Secretary for State under section 16(3A) are likely to be met if the licence is so altered; and

(b)whether the conservation measures referred to in section 1A will be implemented at the zoo if the licence is altered as proposed by the authority or the Secretary for State (as the case may be).

(14) Except in the case of an inspection carried out before the grant or refusal of an original licence, the inspector may require the production of all records kept by the holder of the licence in pursuance of conditions requiring the conservation measures referred to in section 1A(f) to be implemented at the zoo, and the holder shall produce the records.

(15) The inspector shall send his report to the authority, and within one month after receiving the report of the inspection the authority shall send a copy to the applicant or operator (as the case may be) and give him an opportunity to comment on it..

Diwygio adran 10 (archwiliadau cyfnodol)

(Rheoliad 13 o Reoliadau 2002)

10.  Yn is-adran (4)(e) yn lle “under section 5(3)(b)” rhoddir “requiring the conservation measures referred to in section 1A(f) to be implemented at the zoo,”.

Diwygio adran 11 (archwiliadau arbennig)

(Rheoliad 14 o Reoliadau 2002)

11.  Yn is-adran (1)(c) o adran 11 (archwiliadau arbennig) ar ôl “inspection” mewnosodir “in accordance with section 9A or”.

Mewnosod adran 11A newydd

(Rheoliad 15 o Reoliadau 2002)

12.  Mewnosodir yr adran ganlynol ar ôl adran 11—

Special inspections of closed zoos

11A.(1) The local authority may at any time carry out a special inspection of a zoo or a section of a zoo to which section 16E applies—

(a)if they consider it appropriate to do so having regard to their function under section 16E(4) of supervising the implementation of a plan prepared under section 16E(2);

(b)if they consider it appropriate to do so having regard to their function under section 16E(6); or

(c)if they consider it appropriate to do so in order to determine whether to exercise their function under section 16E(7) or (8).

(2) Subsection (4)(c) of section 10 and subsections (2), (3) and (4) of section 11 apply to an inspection under this section as they apply to an inspection under those sections.

(3) The inspectors may require the production of all records of the zoo’s collection kept by the operator of the zoo, and the operator shall produce the records.

(4) The inspectors shall send their report to the authority, and except where the operator of the zoo cannot, after reasonable enquiries have been made, be found, the authority shall send a copy to the operator forthwith and give him an opportunity to comment on it..

Diwygio adran 12 (archwiliadau anffurfiol)

(Rheoliad 16 o Reoliadau 2002)

13.  Yn is-adran (1), ar ôl “sections” mewnosodir “9A,”.

Diwygio adran 13 (sŵau awdurdodau lleol)

(Rheoliad 17 o Reoliadau 2002)

14.  Rhoddir, yn lle is-adrannau (4) a (5), yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(4) Sections 16(1A), 16A, 16B and 18 apply as if—

(a)references to the authority were references to the Secretary of State; and

(b)the words “granted by them” in section 16A(1) were omitted.

(5) Section 16(1B) applies as if—

(a)for “authority shall make such alterations to the licence as they consider” there were substituted “Secretary of State shall direct the authority to make such alterations to the licence as he considers”; and

(b)for “they are” there were substituted “he is”.

(6) The following provisions apply in place of section 16C—

(a)paragraph (b) applies to a zoo—

(i)which is being operated without a licence;

(ii)in relation to which no direction under section 14(1)(a) has effect; and

(iii)which appears to the Secretary of State to have been operated in contravention of this Act because, during the period of 12 months ending with the date on which the Secretary of State determines that it so appears to him, members of the public have had access to it on more days than permitted under section 1;

(b)the Secretary of State shall make a zoo closure direction in respect of the zoo unless—

(i)the authority inform the Secretary of State that in their opinion a direction should be made under section 14(1) in respect of the zoo, and he makes a direction under section 14(1)(a); or

(ii)the authority grant a licence for the zoo within such period as the Secretary of State considers to be reasonable in the circumstances.

(7) Section 16D applies as if—

(a)references to section 16E were references to subsection (8) of this section; and

(b)the reference in subsection (2) to the authority were a reference to the Secretary of State.

(8) The following provisions apply in place of section 16E to a zoo to which, by virtue of subsection (7)(a), this subsection applies—

(a)the authority shall make arrangements in relation to all the animals kept in the zoo—

(i)for their future care; or

(ii)for their disposal and for their care until they are disposed of;

(b)the authority shall supply the Secretary of State with any information he requests about the care or disposal of animals kept in the zoo;

(c)the Secretary of State may, after giving the authority an opportunity to be heard, make a direction in such terms as he sees fit about the care of animals kept in the zoo or their disposal, and the authority shall comply with such a direction;

(d)arrangements for the care or disposal of animals under this subsection shall not be prejudicial to the protection of wild animals and the conservation of biodiversity;

(e)the Secretary of State may, after giving the authority an opportunity to be heard, make a direction under this paragraph varying a direction under paragraph (c) (including such a direction as varied by a direction under this paragraph);

(f)the Secretary of State may, after giving the authority an opportunity to be heard, make a direction revoking a direction under paragraph (c) (including such a direction as varied by a direction under paragraph (e)); and

(g)where this subsection applies by virtue of section 16D(3) (read in accordance with subsection (7) above), references in this subsection and in subsections (9) and (10) to a zoo shall be read as references to that section of the zoo which is closed permanently to the public.

(9) If the Secretary of State considers that an inspection of a zoo to which subsection (8) applies is appropriate having regard to his function under subsection (8)(c) he may require an authority to—

(a)carry out a special inspection of the zoo to be conducted by one or more inspectors nominated, after consultation with the authority, by the Secretary of State from the list;

(b)obtain a report of the inspection; and

(c)send a copy of the report to the Secretary of State forthwith.

(10) For the purposes of an inspection under subsection (9), inspectors may require the production of all records of the zoo’s collection kept by the operator, and the operator shall produce the records.

(11) Subsection (4)(c) of section 10 applies to an inspection under subsection (9) as it applies to an inspection under that section.

(12) References in this Act to “a zoo closure direction” are to a direction requiring a zoo to be permanently closed to the public..

Diwygio adran 14 (gollyngiadau ar gyfer sŵau penodol)

(Rheoliad 18 o Reoliadau 2002)

15.—(ayn is-adran (1)—

(i)mewnosodir ar y dechrau “Subject to subsection (1A),”, a

(ii)yn lle “size of” rhoddir “number of animals kept in”;

(b)ar ôl is-adran (1) mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(1A) The Secretary of State may only make a direction under subsection (1) if he is satisfied that it is not prejudicial to the protection of wild animals and the conservation of biodiversity to do so.;

(c)mewnosodir ar ddechrau is-adran (3) “Subject to subsection (3A),”; a

(ch)ar ôl is-adran (3) mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(3A) The Secretary of State may only vary a direction made under subsection (1) where he is satisfied that it is not prejudicial to the interests of the protection of wild animals and the conservation of biodiversity to do so..

Diwygio adran 15 (ffioedd a thaliadau eraill)

(Rheoliad 19 o Reoliadau 2002)

16.—(ayn is-adran (1)—

(i)ar ôl yr enghraifft gyntaf o'r gair “such” mewnosodir “reasonable”,

(ii)ym mharagraff (b) ar ôl “renewal” mewnosodir “, alteration”, a

(iii)hepgorir y geiriau o “and may charge” hyd at ddiwedd yr is-adran;

(b)ar ôl is-adran (2) mewnosodir yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(2A) Subject to this section, the authority may charge to the operator of the zoo such sums as they may determine in respect of reasonable expenses incurred by them—

(a)in connection with inspections in accordance with section 9A and under sections 10 to 12;

(b)in connection with the exercise of their powers to make directions under this Act;

(c)in the exercise of their function under section 16E(4) of supervising the implementation of plans prepared under section 16E(2); and

(d)in connection with the exercise of their function under section 16E(7) or (8).

(2B) The authority’s charge under subsection (2A)(d) shall take into account any sums that have been, or will fall to be, deducted by them from a payment under section 16F(7) in respect of their costs.; a

(c)yn is-adran (5) yn lle'r ail enghraifft o'r ymadrodd “amount of” rhoddir “reasonable”.

Diwygio adran 16 (pŵer i newid trwyddedau)

(Rheoliad 20 o Reoliadau 2002)

17.—(aar ôl is-adran (1) mewnosodir yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(1A) Subsection (1B) applies where—

(a)the authority have made a direction under section 16A(2) in respect of a zoo;

(b)the period specified in that direction by virtue of section 16A(2)(c), including such a direction as varied under section 16A(4), has expired; and

(c)the authority are satisfied that a condition specified in that direction which requires any conservation measure referred to in section 1A to be implemented at the zoo is not met in relation to—

(i)if the zoo was specified under section 16A(2)(b)(i), any section of the zoo;

(ii)if a section of the zoo was specified under section 16A(2)(b)(ii), that section of the zoo or any smaller section of the zoo included in that section.

(1B) The authority shall make such alterations to the licence as they consider to be necessary or desirable to ensure that the section of the zoo in relation to which they are satisfied that the condition is not met is closed permanently to the public.;

(b)ar ôl is-adran (2) mewnosodir yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(2A) Subsection (2B) applies in place of subsection (2) where the authority propose to make under subsection (1) a significant alteration to a licence (not being one to which subsection (3A) applies), except where the alteration is in accordance with the recommendations in a report pursuant to section 9A(5)(c).

(2B) Before making a significant alteration to a licence the authority shall—

(a)consult the holder of the licence about the alteration they propose to make to the licence;

(b)make arrangements for an inspection to be carried out in accordance with section 9A (subject to subsection (2) of that section); and

(c)consider the report made to them pursuant to that inspection.;

(c)yn lle is-adran (3) rhoddir yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(3) Subject to subsections (3A) and (3B), at any time after the grant of a licence under this Act, the Secretary of State may, after consulting the authority, direct them to alter the licence, and the authority shall give effect to such a direction within a reasonable time.

(3A) If the Secretary of State proposes to direct the authority to make a significant alteration to a licence, he shall first notify them of the proposed alteration and the authority shall—

(a)consult the holder of the licence about the alteration which the Secretary of State proposes to direct them to make to the licence;

(b)make arrangements for an inspection to be carried out in accordance with section 9A (subject to subsection (2) of that section); and

(c)send a copy of the report made to them pursuant to that inspection to the Secretary of State.

(3B) The Secretary of State may not direct the authority to make an alteration to the licence which is inconsistent with the implementation at the zoo of the conservation measures referred to in section 1A.;

(ch)ar ôl is-adran (4) mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(4A) Subject to subsection (3), the authority shall secure that upon its alteration a licence contains such conditions as the authority think necessary or desirable for requiring the conservation measures referred to in section 1A to be implemented at the zoo.; a

(d)yn is-adran (6)—

(i)yn lle “subsection (1) or in pursuance of a direction under subsection (3)” rhoddir “this section”, a

(ii)ar y diwedd mewnosodir “and (7A)”.

Mewnosod adrannau newydd

18.  Mewnosodir, ar ôl adran 16 (pŵer i newid trwyddedau), yr adrannau canlynol—

Enforcement of licence conditions

16A.(1) Subsection (2) applies where the local authority, after giving the licence holder an opportunity to be heard, are not satisfied that a condition attached to a licence granted by them under this Act is met in relation to the zoo or a section of it.

(2) Unless subsection (3) applies, the authority shall make a direction specifying—

(a)the licence condition which they are not satisfied is met;

(b)whether they are not satisfied that that condition is met in relation to—

(i)the zoo; or

(ii)a section of the zoo, and if so, which section;

(c)steps to be taken by the licence holder to ensure that that condition is met in relation to the zoo (or, if a section of the zoo is specified under paragraph (b)(ii), in relation to that section) within a period specified in the direction, which may not exceed two years from the date of the direction; and

(d)whether the zoo or a section of it is required to be closed to the public during that period or any part of it specified in the direction.

(3) This subsection applies if the authority have power to make a zoo closure direction under section 16B(5) and they exercise that power.

(4) The authority may, after giving the licence holder an opportunity to be heard, make a direction under this subsection varying a direction under subsection (2) (including such a direction as varied by a direction under this subsection).

(5) A direction under subsection (4) may increase the period specified in the direction under subsection (2)(c) or (d), but the period as increased must not exceed two years beginning with the date of the direction under subsection (2).

(6) A direction under subsection (2) (including such a direction as varied by a direction under subsection (4)) may be revoked by a further direction of the authority.

Zoo closure direction

16B.(1) The local authority shall make a zoo closure direction in respect of a zoo licensed under this Act where—

(a)they have made a direction under section 16A(2) in respect of the zoo;

(b)the period specified in the direction by virtue of section 16A(2)(c), including such a direction as varied under section 16A(4), has expired; and

(c)they are satisfied, after giving the licence holder an opportunity to be heard, that a condition—

(i)specified in that direction and in respect of which the zoo was specified under section 16A(2)(b)(i); and

(ii)which requires any conservation measure referred to in section 1A to be implemented at the zoo,

is not met in relation to the zoo.

(2) The authority shall make a zoo closure direction in respect of a zoo licensed under this Act where they are satisfied, after reasonable enquiries have been made, that the licence holder cannot be found.

(3) The authority shall make a zoo closure direction in respect of a zoo licensed under this Act where, after giving the licence holder an opportunity to be heard—

(a)they are satisfied that members of the public have had access to it on fewer than seven days in the period of twelve months ending on the date on which the authority determine that they are so satisfied; and

(b)it does not appear to them that it is the licence holder’s intention that members of the public will have access to it on seven days or more during any future period of twelve months.

(4) The authority may make a zoo closure direction in respect of a zoo licensed under this Act where—

(a)they have made a direction under section 16A(2) in respect of the zoo;

(b)the period specified in that direction by virtue of section 16A(2)(c), including such a direction as varied under section 16A(4), has expired; and

(c)they are satisfied, after giving the licence holder an opportunity to be heard, that a condition specified in that direction, other than one which requires any conservation measure referred to in section 1A to be implemented at the zoo, is not met in relation to—

(i)if the zoo was specified in that direction, the zoo or any section of it; or

(ii)if a section of the zoo was specified in that direction, that section, any part of that section, any larger section which includes that section, or the whole zoo.

(5) The authority may, after giving the licence holder an opportunity to be heard, make a zoo closure direction in respect of a zoo licensed under this Act if—

(a)any reasonable requirements relating to the premises or conduct of the zoo notified by them to the licence holder in consequence of the report of any inspection under this Act are not complied with within such time as is reasonable in the circumstances;

(b)they are satisfied that the zoo has been conducted in a disorderly manner or so as to cause a nuisance;

(c)the licence holder (or, where the licence holder is a body corporate, the body or any director, manager, secretary or other similar officer of the body) is convicted of any offence mentioned in section 4(4); or

(d)any person who, to the knowledge of the licence holder, has been so convicted is employed as a keeper in the zoo.

(6) But the authority may not make a zoo closure direction under subsection (5) if a direction under section 16A(2) is in force in respect of the zoo and—

(a)when that direction was made there were grounds upon which the authority could have made a zoo closure direction under subsection (5) in respect of the zoo, but they chose not to do so; and

(b)the grounds upon which they would make a zoo closure direction under subsection (5) are the same as any of those upon which they could have made one when they made the direction under section 16A(2) instead.

(7) No zoo closure direction may be made under subsection (5)(a) or (b) on grounds involving the care or treatment of animals unless the authority have first consulted such persons on the list as the Secretary of State may nominate for the purposes of this subsection.

(8) Where the authority make a zoo closure direction in respect of a zoo under this section, the zoo’s licence is revoked from the date on which the direction has effect (in accordance with section 18(10)).

Zoo closure direction for zoos without licences

16C.(1) This section applies to a zoo—

(a)which is being operated without a licence;

(b)in relation to which no direction under section 14(1)(a) has effect; and

(c)which appears to the local authority to have been operated in contravention of this Act because, during the period of twelve months ending with the date on which the authority determine that it so appears to them, members of the public have had access to it on more days than permitted under section 1.

(2) If the authority are satisfied, after reasonable enquiries have been made, that the operator of a zoo to which this section applies cannot be found, they shall make a zoo closure direction in respect of the zoo.

(3) Otherwise, unless the authority inform the Secretary of State that in their opinion a direction should be made under section 14(1) in respect of the zoo, and he makes a direction under section 14(1)(a), the authority shall give to the operator at least 35 days' notice in writing of—

(a)their intention to make a zoo closure direction in respect of the zoo; and

(b)the operator’s opportunity to be heard in accordance with subsection (4)(a).

(4) Where notice has been given under subsection (3)—

(a)the authority shall give the operator of the zoo an opportunity to be heard; and

(b)if, after the expiration of the period of at least 35 days referred to in subsection (3) and after giving the operator an opportunity to be heard, it does not appear to the authority that the view they reached as mentioned in subsection 1(c) was incorrect, they shall make a zoo closure direction in respect of the zoo, unless before the expiration of that period notice has been given to the authority under section 2(1) of intention to make an application for a licence for the zoo.

(5) Where, before the expiration of the period referred to in subsection (3), notice is given to the authority under section 2(1) of intention to make an application for a licence for the zoo, but—

(a)an application for a licence for the zoo is not made by the end of a period of three months beginning on the date on which the notice was given under section 2(1); or

(b)the application for a licence for that zoo is refused and—

(i)no appeal is brought against the refusal within the time mentioned in section 18(2); or

(ii)if an appeal is brought against the refusal within the time mentioned in section 18(2), it is abandoned, or the court confirms the decision to refuse the application,

the authority shall make a zoo closure direction in respect of the zoo.

Application of section 16E

16D.(1) Section 16E applies to—

(a)a zoo in respect of which a zoo closure direction has been made, from the date on which the direction has effect (in accordance with section 18(10)); and

(b)a zoo whose licence has expired or been surrendered, from the date of its expiration or surrender (as the case may be).

(2) This Act shall cease to apply to a zoo when the local authority have notified the operator, or, where the operator cannot be found, any person appearing to them to be responsible for the zoo, in writing that they are satisfied that—

(a)all animals which are to be disposed of pursuant to section 16E have been disposed of; and

(b)satisfactory arrangements for the care of any animals kept in the zoo which are not to be disposed of pursuant to section 16E are in effect, and there are reasonable grounds for believing that satisfactory arrangements will continue to be maintained for such animals.

(3) Section 16E applies to a section of a zoo which is closed permanently to the public by virtue of alterations to the zoo’s licence under section 16(1B), from the date on which those alterations have effect (in accordance with section 18(7A)).

(4) If a section of a zoo which was closed permanently to the public by virtue of alterations to the zoo’s licence under section 16(1B) reopens pursuant to further alterations to the licence, section 16E shall cease to apply to that section.

Welfare of animals following closure of zoo

16E.(1) Subsections (2) to (7) apply to a zoo to which this section applies unless the local authority are satisfied, after reasonable enquiries have been made, that the operator of the zoo cannot be found.

(2) As soon as reasonably practicable after the date from which this section applies, the operator shall give to the authority a plan of the arrangements he proposes to make in relation to the animals kept in the zoo—

(a)for their future care; or

(b)for their disposal and for their care until they are disposed of.

(3) The operator shall supply the authority with any information they request about the care or disposal of animals kept in the zoo.

(4) Where the authority notify the operator that they approve a plan prepared under subsection (2), he shall implement it under the supervision of the authority.

(5) Except with the agreement of the authority, the operator shall not—

(a)dispose of any animal kept in the zoo before a plan prepared under subsection (2) has been approved by the authority; or

(b)dispose of any animal kept in the zoo otherwise than in accordance with a plan so approved.

(6) Where—

(a)the authority are not satisfied with a plan prepared under subsection (2);

(b)the authority are not satisfied with the way in which such a plan is being implemented;

(c)the operator of the zoo has not prepared such a plan within a reasonable period after the date from which this section applies; or

(d)the authority consider that urgent steps need to be taken by the operator to safeguard the welfare of animals kept in the zoo,

the authority may, after giving the operator an opportunity to be heard, make a direction in such terms as they see fit as to the future care of the animals kept in the zoo, or for their disposal and for their care until they are disposed of.

(7) Where—

(a)the zoo operator has not complied with a direction under subsection (6) to the satisfaction of the authority; or

(b)the authority consider that urgent steps need to be taken by them to safeguard the welfare of animals kept in the zoo,

the authority shall, after giving the operator an opportunity to be heard, make arrangements for the future care of the animals kept in the zoo, or for their disposal and for their care until they are disposed of.

(8) Where the authority are satisfied, after reasonable enquiries have been made, that the operator of the zoo cannot be found, they shall make arrangements for the future care of the animals kept in the zoo, or for their disposal and for their care until they are disposed of.

(9) Subject to section 16G, for the purpose of giving effect to arrangements under subsection (7) or (8) the authority may—

(a)care for any animal on the premises of the zoo; or

(b)remove any animal found on the premises of the zoo and either retain it in the authority’s possession or dispose of it.

(10) Arrangements for the care or disposal of animals under this section shall not be prejudicial to the protection of wild animals and the conservation of biodiversity.

(11) The authority may make a direction varying or revoking a direction under subsection (6) (including such a direction as varied by a direction under this subsection), but, unless they are satisfied, after reasonable enquiries have been made, that the operator cannot be found, they shall not do so without first giving him an opportunity to be heard.

(12) Where this section applies by virtue of section 16D(3), references in this section to a zoo shall be read as references to that section of the zoo which is closed permanently to the public.

Power of authority to dispose of animals

16F.(1) This section applies where a local authority are required to make arrangements under subsection (7) or (8) of section 16E.

(2) The authority may sell or otherwise dispose of any animal in relation to which arrangements are required to be made if—

(a)after making reasonable inquiries they are satisfied that the animal is owned by the operator of the zoo;

(b)after making reasonable inquiries they are unable to identify or unable to find the animal’s owner;

(c)they have obtained the consent of the owner of the animal;

(d)the owner of the animal has been asked for his consent before a date specified in the request, but that date has passed and the authority have not received it, and the owner has not arranged to take possession of the animal or arranged for such possession to be taken by another person; or

(e)the owner has arranged to take possession of the animal or for its possession to be taken by another person, but the date for implementation of the arrangements has passed and they remain unimplemented.

(3) Where an animal is sold or given away under subsection (2), any person to whom the animal is sold or given shall have a good title to it.

(4) Subsections (5) to (9) apply when the authority have sold all the animals which are to be sold under subsection (2).

(5) Subject to subsection (8), the authority shall pay to the operator of the zoo a sum equal to the total proceeds of the sales of animals falling within subsection (6), less any part of the charge which the authority are entitled to make under section 15(2A)(d) which has not been paid.

(6) An animal falls within this subsection if the authority are satisfied that it was owned by the operator of the zoo immediately before its sale under subsection (2) (whether or not they were so satisfied when they exercised their power of sale under that subsection).

(7) Where the authority have identified a person other than the operator whom they are satisfied was the owner of an animal immediately before its sale under subsection (2), they shall (subject to subsection (8)) pay to that person a sum equal to the proceeds of the sale of that animal, less the costs incurred by them in connection with the sale and in caring for the animal before the sale.

(8) If the person to whom the authority are required to make a payment under subsection (5) or (7) cannot be found before the end of the period of four months beginning with the date of the sale of the last animal which is to be sold under subsection (2), the proceeds of sale shall vest in the authority.

(9) Any remaining proceeds of the sales under subsection (2) shall vest in the authority.

(10) An authority must make any payment they are required to make under subsection (5) or (7) before the end of the period of four months beginning with the date of the sale of the last animal which is to be sold under subsection (2), but they shall not make such a payment before the end of the period of one month beginning with the date of that sale.

(11) Nothing in this section shall prevent an authority from making arrangements, on the advice of a veterinary surgeon or practitioner, for an animal to be put down without delay where it is necessary or expedient to do so in the interests of its welfare.

Powers of entry

16G.(1) For the purpose of giving effect to arrangements under section 16E(7) or (8), a person duly authorised by the authority for the purposes of this subsection may, on producing his authority if so required, enter the premises of the zoo for the purposes of—

(a)inspecting any animal found there to which the arrangements relate;

(b)inspecting the accommodation of any such animal;

(c)caring for any such animal; or

(d)removing any such animal.

(2) Subsection (1) shall not authorise entry into any part of the premises of the zoo which is used as a private dwelling.

(3) If a justice of the peace is satisfied by sworn information in writing that—

(a)it is necessary or desirable for the purpose of giving effect to arrangements under section 16E(7) or (8) for a person duly authorised by the authority for the purposes of this subsection to enter the premises of the zoo for any of the purposes mentioned in subsection (1); and


(i)any part of the premises to which admission for any of those purposes is sought is used as a private dwelling; or

(ii)admission to the premises or any part of the premises for any of those purposes has been refused,

he may grant a warrant authorising that person to enter the premises, or (as the case may be) the part of the premises used as a private dwelling or to which admission has been refused, for all or any of those purposes, with or without constables and any other persons who may be necessary, and if need be by reasonable force.

(4) A warrant granted under subsection (3) shall also specify—

(a)the length of time for which it is valid; and

(b)the times at which entry may be effected,

and may contain such restrictions as the justice thinks fit.

(5) A person duly authorised for the purposes of subsection (3) shall, if so required, produce his authority and warrant before entering the premises of the zoo or part of the premises to which the warrant relates (as the case may be)..

Diddymu adran 17 (dirymu trwyddedau)

(Rheoliad 22 o Reoliadau 2002)

19.  Mae adran 17 yn peidio â bod yn effeithiol.

Diwygio adran 18 (apelau)

(Rheoliad 23 o Reoliadau 2002)

20.—(ayn lle is-adran (1) rhoddir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(1) A person aggrieved by—

(a)the refusal to grant a licence;

(b)any condition attached to a licence;

(c)any variation or cancellation of a condition;

(d)the refusal to approve the transfer of a licence;

(e)a direction under section 13(8)(c) or 16A(2) or any variation of such a direction;

(f)a zoo closure direction;

(g)the refusal to approve a plan prepared under section 16E(2);

(h)a direction under section 16E(6) or any variation of such a direction; or

(i)any arrangements under section 16E(7) or (8),

may appeal to a magistrates' court acting for the petty sessions area in which the zoo is situated.;

(b)yn is-adran (2)—

(i)yn lle “twenty-one” rhoddir “twenty-eight”, a

(ii)yn lle'r geiriau o “to refuse” i “case may be” rhoddir “as to the matter in question”;

(c)Ar ôl is-adran (7) mewnosodir yr is-adran ganlynol—

(7A) An alteration to a licence under section 16(1B) has effect—

(a)if an appeal is brought under this section within the time mentioned in subsection (2), and the authority’s decision is confirmed or varied, on the day following the day on which the appeal is determined, or on such other day as the court directs;

(b)if an appeal is brought under this section within the time mentioned in subsection (2) but is subsequently abandoned, on the day following the day on which the appeal is abandoned, or on such other day as the court directs; or

(c)if no appeal is brought within the time mentioned in subsection (2), on the expiration of that time.; a

(ch)yn lle is-adrannau (8) a (9) rhoddir yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(8) Subsection (9) applies to the following directions—

(a)a direction under section 16A(2)(d) which requires the zoo or a section of it to be closed to the public;

(b)a direction under section 13(8)(c), 16A(2) or 16E(6) which imposes a requirement on the operator of the zoo to carry out works he would not otherwise be required to carry out; and

(c)a direction under section 13(8)(c) or 16E(6) which imposes a requirement to dispose of any animals or any variation of such a direction.

(9) A direction to which this subsection applies shall not have effect—

(a)during the period within which the holder is entitled to appeal against it; or

(b)where such an appeal is brought within that period, during the period before the appeal is determined or abandoned.

(10) A zoo closure direction has effect—

(a)if an appeal is brought under this section within the time mentioned in subsection (2), and the authority’s decision is confirmed or varied, on the day following the day on which the appeal is determined, or on such other day as the court directs;

(b)if an appeal is brought under this section within the time mentioned in subsection (2) but is subsequently abandoned, on the day following the day on which the appeal is abandoned, or on such other day as the court directs; or

(c)if no appeal is brought within the time mentioned in subsection (2), on the expiration of that time..

Diwygio adran 19 (troseddau a chosbau)

(Rheoliad 24 o Reoliadau 2002)

21.—(aar ôl is-adran (3) mewnosodir yr is-adrannau canlynol—

(3A) Any person who intentionally obstructs a person duly authorised for the purposes of section 16G(1) or (3) and acting pursuant to that authorisation is guilty of an offence.

(3B) If the holder of a licence for a zoo fails without reasonable excuse to comply with a requirement in a direction under section 16A(2)(d) to close the zoo or a section of it to the public in accordance with the direction, he is guilty of an offence.

(3C) If any person notified in writing of a zoo closure direction pursuant to section 19A(1) or (2) fails without reasonable excuse to comply with that direction he is guilty of an offence.

(3D) If the operator of a zoo fails without reasonable excuse to comply with a local authority’s request for information under section 16E(3), he is guilty of an offence.

(3E) If, contrary to section 16E(5), the operator of a zoo without reasonable excuse and without the agreement of the authority disposes of any animal kept in the zoo—

(a)before a plan prepared under section 16E(2) has been approved by the authority; or

(b)otherwise than in accordance with such a plan which has been approved by the authority,

he is guilty of an offence.

(3F) If the operator of a zoo fails without reasonable excuse to comply with a direction under section 16E(6) of which he is notified in writing pursuant to section 19A(1), he is guilty of an offence.

(3G) If, contrary to section 4(8), the holder of a licence for a zoo fails without reasonable excuse to display the zoo licence or a copy of it publicly at each public entrance to the zoo, he is guilty of an offence.; a

(b)yn is-adran (4)—

(i)yn lle “or (2)” rhoddir “, (2), (3A), (3B), (3C), (3E) or (3F)”, a

(ii)ar ddiwedd yr is-adran mewnosodir “, (3D) or (3G)”.

Mewnosod adran newydd

(Rheoliad 25 o Reoliadau 2002)

22.  Mewnosodir cyn adran 20 (darpariaeth drosiannol i sŵ au sy'n bodoli) yr adran ganlynol—


19A.(1) Where a local authority make a direction under this Act, they shall take reasonable steps to secure that the operator of the zoo is notified in writing of it.

(2) But where the operator of the zoo cannot, after reasonable enquiries have been made, be found, the authority shall take reasonable steps to secure that any person appearing to them to be responsible for the zoo is notified in writing of the direction.

(3) The operator of a zoo or other person notified in writing of a direction pursuant to subsection (2) shall comply with a direction under this Act made in respect of that zoo..

Diwygio adran 21 (Dehongli)

(Rheoliad 26 o Reoliadau 2002)

23.  Mewnosodir y diffiniad canlynol ar ddiwedd is-adran (1)—

“zoo closure direction” has the meaning assigned by section 13(12)..

Nodyn Esboniadol

(Nid yw'r nodyn hwn yn rhan o'r Rheoliadau)

Mae'r Rheoliadau hyn yn cynnwys darpariaethau sy'n gweithredu Cyfarwyddeb y Cyngor 1999/22/EC sy'n ymwneud â chadw anifeiliaid gwyllt mewn sŵau yng Nghymru (O.J. Rhif L094, 9.4.1999, t 24-26) (“y Gyfarwyddeb”). Mewnosododd Rheoliadau Deddf Trwyddedu Sŵau 1981 (Diwygio) (Cymru a Lloegr) 2002 (“Rheoliadau 2002”) adran newydd 22A yn y Deddf Trwyddedu Sŵ au 1981 (y “Ddeddf”) a'i heffaith yw bod y diwygiadau eraill yn y rheoliadau hynny yn gymwys i Loegr yn unig. Yn rhinwedd y Rheoliadau hyn, mae adran 22A yn peidio â bod yn effeithiol, a chan hynny, maent yn cymhwyso'r diwygiadau a wnaed gan Reoliadau 2002 i Gymru.

Disgrifir y diwygiadau i'r Ddeddf yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn.

Dylid darllen y cyfeiriadau at yr Ysgrifennydd Gwladol yn yr Atodlen i'r Rheoliadau hyn fel cyfeiriadau at Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru gan fod swyddogaethau'r Ysgrifennydd Gwladol o dan Ddeddf 1981 wedi eu trosglwyddo i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru.

Diwygir adran 1 o'r Ddeddf (trwyddedu sŵau gan awdurdodau lleol) i sicrhau bod y Ddeddf yn gymwys i sŵau sydd ar agor saith niwrnod mewn blwyddyn yn ogystal â sŵ au sydd ar agor am fwy na saith niwrnod mewn blwyddyn.

Mewnosodir adran newydd 1A sy'n gwneud y mesurau cadwraethol yn effeithiol y mae'n ofynnol i sŵau eu mabwysiadu yn rhinwedd erthygl 3 o'r Gyfarwyddeb.

Mae'r Rheoliadau yn diwygio adrannau 5 (cyfnodau ac amodau trwyddedau) a 16 o'r Ddeddf (pŵer i newid trwyddedau) i'w gwneud yn ofynnol bod amodau priodol yn cael eu gosod ar bob trwydded sw sy'n gwneud y mesurau cadwraethol yn effeithiol. Diwygir adran 2 (gwneud cais am drwydded) i'w gwneud yn ofynnol i ymgeisydd am drwydded sw roi i'r awdurdod lleol ei gynigion am weithredu'r mesurau cadwraeth yn y sw. Cyn gosod unrhyw amodau ar drwydded newydd neu wneud newid sylweddol i drwydded gyfredol, mae'n rhaid i'r awdurdod ymgynghori â'r ymgeisydd neu ddeiliad y drwydded ynghylch yr amodau y mae'n cynnig eu gosod, trefnu bod y sw yn cael ei archwilio ac ystyried adroddiad yr archwiliwr. Diwygir adran 4 (rhoi neu wrthod trwydded) i ddarparu bod rhaid i awdurdod wrthod rhoi trwydded os nad yw wedi ei fodloni y byddai'r sw yn gallu cydymffurfio ag amodau'r drwydded sy'n gwneud y mesurau cadwraeth yn effeithiol.

Rhaid i sw gael ei archwilio yn unol ag adran 9A cyn penderfynu ynghylch rhoi, gwrthod, adnewyddu neu newid yn sylweddol ei drwydded. Rhaid i archwilwyr sy'n gwneud archwiliad yn unol ag adran 9A (neu yn yr amgylchiadau a ddisgrifir yn adran 9A, o dan adran 10) ystyried a fydd amodau cyfredol y drwydded, ac unrhyw amodau arfaethedig, yn cael eu bodloni.

Diwygir adran 14 o'r Ddeddf (gollyngiadau ar gyfer sŵau penodol) i sicrhau mai dim ond os na fydd yn niweidiol i amcanion y Gyfarwyddeb a bennir yn erthygl 1 (diogelu anifeiliaid gwyllt a chadwraeth bioamrywiaeth) y ceir rhoi esemptiadau o ofynion y Ddeddf.

Diwygir adran 15 o'r Ddeddf (ffioedd a thaliadau eraill) i alluogi awdurdod i gael costau rhesymol yn ôl gan weithredwr y sw o dan y Ddeddf fel y'i diwygir.

Mae adran 16A yn galluogi awdurdod i gyhoeddi cyfarwyddyd i ddeiliad trwydded sw yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol iddo gydymffurfio ag un neu fwy o amodau'r drwydded, ac yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i wahardd y cyhoedd rhag mynd i'r sw neu i ran ohono am gyfnod.

Mae adran 16B, sy'n disodli adran 17 (dirymu trwydded) yn rhoi'r pŵer i awdurdod i wneud cyfarwyddyd cau sw yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i sw gael ei gau ac yn dirymu ei drwydded. Rhaid iddo wneud cyfarwyddyd o'r fath os nad yw'r sw wedi cydymffurfio â chyfarwyddyd o dan adran 16A i gydymffurfio ag amod trwydded sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i weithredu'r mesurau cadwraeth. Rhaid iddo hefyd wneud cyfarwyddyd cau sw os nad oes modd cael hyd i weithredwr y sw neu os nad yw'r cyhoedd bellach yn cael mynediad i'r sw am saith niwrnod neu fwy mewn blwyddyn. Gellir gwneud cyfarwyddyd cau sw hefyd ar unrhyw un o'r seiliau eraill a fu gynt yn sail am ddirymu trwydded o dan adran 17.

Diwygir adran 16 o'r Ddeddf (pŵer i newid trwyddedau) i alluogi awdurdod i newid trwydded sw i sicrhau bod rhan o sw (yn ôl y diffiniad yn adran 1(2C)) yn cael ei chau yn barhaol os, ar ddiwedd y cyfnod a bennir mewn cyfarwyddyd o dan adran 16A sy'n ei gwneud yn ofynnol i gydymffurfio ag amod trwydded sy'n gwneud gweithredu'r mesurau cadwraeth yn ofynnol, bydd rhan o'r sw yn dal i dorri amod y drwydded.

Mae adran 16C yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i awdurdod (heblaw mewn amgylchiadau penodol) sicrhau bod sw yn cau yn barhaol os yw'n gweithredu heb drwydded yn groes i'r Ddeddf. Mae adran 13(6) yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (heblaw mewn amgylchiadau penodol) sicrhau bod sw y mae awdurdod yn berchen arno ac sy'n gweithredu'r sw heb drwydded, yn groes i'r Ddeddf, yn cau yn barhaol.

Mae adran 16E yn ei gwneud yn ofynnol i weithredwr sw sydd wedi cau i baratoi cynllun o drefniadau arfaethedig ar gyfer gofal yr anifeiliaid yn y dyfodol neu ar gyfer cael gwared arnynt, ac iddo geisio cymeradwyaeth yr awdurdod amdano. Mae'n rhaid i'r trefniadau beidio â bod yn niweidiol i amcanion y Gyfarwyddeb. Ar ôl i'r awdurdod gymeradwyo'r cynllun, mae'n rhaid i'r gweithredwr ei roi ar waith o dan oruchwyliaeth yr awdurdod. Gall awdurdod ofyn am wybodaeth gan weithredwr y sw am y gofal am anifeiliaid mewn sw sydd wedi cau neu am y broses o gael gwared arnynt. Mae adran 11A yn rhoi'r pŵer i'r awdurdod i archwilio sŵau wedi cau o dan amgylchiadau penodol. Os nad yw cynllun a baratowyd o dan adran 16E yn bodloni'r awdurdod, gall yr awdurdod roi cyfarwyddiadau i weithredwr y sw. Mae gan yr awdurdod ddyletswydd weddilliol i wneud ei drefniadau ei hunan ar gyfer gofalu am yr anifeiliaid a gedwir yn y sw neu ar gyfer cael gwared arnynt. Mae adran 16F yn caniatáu i awdurdodau sy'n gweithredu yn unol â threfniadau o'r fath gael gwared ar anifeiliaid a gedwir mewn swau sydd wedi cau mewn amgylchiadau penodol. Mae adran 16G yn rhoi pwerau i awdurdodau fynd ar dir ac i mewn i adeiladau sŵ au sydd wedi cau i archwilio anifeiliaid a'r lleoedd y cedwir hwynt ynddynt, i ofalu am anifeiliaid a mynd ag anifeiliaid oddi yno, os yw'n gwneud trefniadau o'r fath. Mae adran 13(8) a (9) yn gwneud darpariaeth ar gyfer sŵau sydd wedi cau ac y mae awdurdodau yn berchen arnynt. Ar ôl i'r awdurdod roi gwybod ei fod wedi ei fodloni bod trefniadau am ofal yr anifeiliaid yn y dyfodol neu am gael gwared arnynt wedi eu rhoi ar waith mewn sw sydd wedi cau, mae adran 16D(2) yn darparu bod y Ddeddf yn peidio â bod yn gymwys i'r sw.

Diwygir adran 18 o'r Ddeddf (apelau) i gyflwyno amryw o hawliau newydd i apelio i'r llys ynadon sy'n gysylltiedig â swyddogaethau newydd yr awdurdodau. Estynnir hyd y cyfnod ar gyfer dod ag apêl i 28 diwrnod.

Mewnosodir amryw o droseddau i adran 19 o'r Ddeddf (troseddau a chosbau) gan gynnwys troseddau sy'n gysylltiedig â phwerau newydd awdurdodau i orfodi amodau trwydded, a'r darpariaethau newydd i sicrhau lles anifeiliaid mewn sŵau sydd wedi cau. Lefel 3 neu 4 ar y raddfa safonol yw'r cosbau uchaf i'r troseddau hyn.

Mae diwygiadau mân a chanlyniadol i'r Ddeddf.

Mae'r Rheoliadau yn cynnwys darpariaeth drosiannol sy'n ymwneud â newid trwyddedau cyfredol sŵ au.

Mae Asesiad Rheoliadol o Effaith y Rheoliadau hyn wedi ei baratoi. Ceir copi oddi wrth Is-adran Moderneiddio Llywodraeth Leol, CP2, Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru, Parc Cathays, Caerdydd. Ceir copi o'r nodyn trawsosod mewn cysylltiad â gweithredu'r Gyfarwyddeb o'r un cyfeiriad.


1972 p.68. Trosglwyddwyd y swyddogaeth hon i Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru (O.S. 1978/272) ac wedyn i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (O.S. 1999/672).


1981 p. 37. Trosglwyddwyd swyddogaethau Ysgrifennydd Gwladol Cymru i Gynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru (O.S. 1999/672).