
F2Application for inclusion in a dental performers list by a dentist already listed on a dental performers list of a primary care organisation30A


In addition to providing the information required by regulation 4A(2), the dentist when making an application for inclusion of the dentist’s name in a dental performers list whilst that dentist is included in a dental performers list with a primary care organisation shall give the information required by paragraph 1(b), (c), (d), (e), (f) and (g) of regulation 30.


In addition to the undertakings required by regulation 4A(3), the dentist shall give the further undertakings as required by paragraph (2) of regulation 30.


If the dentist is an armed forces dentist included in a list held by a primary care organisation, the dentist shall not be required to give an undertaking as required by regulation 4(3), as further specified in regulation 4(3)(e).


A dentist may not withdraw an application made under this regulation whilst a Local Health Board is deciding that application.


The dentist shall provide all necessary authority to enable a request to be made by the Local Health Board to the primary care organisation, for information relating to the dentist’s dental qualifications (including where they were obtained), and evidence concerning the dentist’s qualifications and experience.