Amendment of Regulations

2.—(1) The School Governors' Annual Reports (Wales) Regulations 2001(1) are amended as follows.

(2) In regulation 2 insert the following definitions in the appropriate alphabetical order —

“approved external qualification” (“cymhwyster allanol a gymeradwywyd”) means a qualification within the meaning of section 96(5) of the Learning and Skills Act 2000(2) that was, at the relevant time, approved under section 99 of that Act for the purposes of section 96 of that Act;

“AVCE” (“TAAU”) means Advanced Vocational Certificate of Education and “ASVCE” (“TAAUG”) means Advanced Subsidiary Vocational Certificate of Education;

GCE ‘A’ level” (“TAG Safon Uwch”) and “GCE ‘AS’” (“TAG Uwch Gyfrannol”) mean General Certificate of Education advanced level and advanced subsidiary respectively;

GCSE” (“TGAU”) means General Certificate of Secondary Education;

“GCSE short course” (“cwrs byr TGAU”) means a GCSE course designed to cover a proportion only (being not less than half) of the corresponding full GCSE course of study, and to which the same grading standards are applied and “GCSE short course examination” (“arholiad cwrs byr TGAU”) means an examination the course leading to which is a GCSE short course;

GNVQ” (“GNVQ”) means General National Vocational Qualification;

NQF” (“NQF”) means the National Qualifications Framework comprising qualifications accredited by the Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales, the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority and the Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum Examinations and Assessment and “NQF level” (“lefel NQF”) means the level(s) to which qualifications are accredited within the NQF;

“previous school year” (“blwyddyn ysgol flaenorol”) means the school year immediately preceding the reporting school year;

“relevant three year period” (“cyfnod perthnasol o dair blynedd”) means the period of three school years ending at the expiration of the reporting school year and the period of three school years ending at the expiration of the previous school year;

“reporting school year” (“blwyddyn adrodd yr ysgol”) means the school year immediately preceding the school year in which the information is published by the governing body;

“unauthorised absence” (“absenoldeb heb ei awdurdodi”) means an occasion on which a pupil is recorded as absent without authority pursuant to the Education (Pupil Registration) Regulations 1995(3) and “authorised absence” (“absenoldeb wedi ei awdurdodi”) shall be construed accordingly..

(3) In regulation 3 for the words “the Schedule” substitute the words “Schedules 1 and 2”.

(4) In regulation 6(1)(a)—

(a)for the words “5 to 7” substitute the words “5, 6”; and

(b)for the words “the Schedule” substitute the words “Schedule 1 and by virtue of Schedule 2”.

(5) The Schedule is renumbered as Schedule 1.

(6) Replace paragraph 6 of the renumbered Schedule 1 with—

(1) The number of unauthorised absences and authorised absences in the reporting school year expressed as a percentage of the total number of possible attendances in that year.

(2) For the purposes of this paragraph “the total number of possible attendances” means the number produced by multiplying the number of registered pupils in the school at the beginning of the reporting year by the number of school sessions in that year..

(7) Omit paragraph 7 of the renumbered Schedule 1.

(8) After the renumbered Schedule 1 insert the following—

Regulation 3


PART 1GCSEs, NQF Entry Level Qualifications and Vocational Qualifications: Summaries

1.  For the reporting school year, the number of pupils aged 15 at the beginning of the reporting school year.

2.  For that year and any earlier year, the percentage of pupils aged 15 who—

(a)were entered for one or more GCSE examinations, two or more GCSE short course examinations or one or more other examinations at NQF level 1 or 2;

(b)achieved any grade from A* to C in one or more GCSE examinations or an equivalent achievement in other examinations at NQF level 2 or in any combination of GCSE and other examinations at NQF level 2;

(c)achieved any grade from A* to G in one or more GCSE examinations or an equivalent achievement in other examinations at NQF level 1 or 2 or in any combination of GCSE and other examinations at NQF level 1 or 2;

(d)did not achieve any grade from A* to G in a GCSE or an equivalent achievement in any other examination at NQF level 1 or 2;

(e)did not achieve any grade from A* to G in a GCSE or an equivalent achievement in any other examinations at NQF level 1 or 2, but who achieved any pass grade in an NQF entry level qualification;

(f)did not achieve any grade from A* to G in a GCSE or an equivalent achievement in any other examination at NQF level 1 or 2 or any pass grade in an NQF entry level qualification;

(g)were entered for five or more GCSE examinations or an equivalent number of entries in other examinations at NQF level 1 or 2 or in any combination of GCSE and other examinations at NQF level 1 or 2;

(h)were entered for one or more examinations at NQF level 2 or below;

(i)achieved any grade from A* to C in five or more GCSE examinations, or an equivalent achievement in other examinations at NQF level 2 or in any combination of GCSE or other examinations at NQF level 2; and

(j)achieved any grade from A* to G in five or more GCSE examinations, or an equivalent achievement in other examinations at NQF level 1 or 2 or in any combination of GCSE and other examinations at NQF level 1 or 2.

3.  For that year, in relation to pupils entered for examinations at NQF level 1 or 2 other than qualifications which are not graded A* to G within NQF levels 1 and 2, the average number of points achieved by pupils aged 15 as determined by ascertaining the total number of points achieved by those pupils and dividing that figure by the total number of pupils.

4.  Each category of information referred to in paragraph 2 above, but for each relevant three year period expressed as an average percentage over that period.

5.  For the purposes of paragraph 3, the following qualifications and grades equate to the following points:

(a)GCSE: grade A* = 8 points; grade A = 7 points; grade B = 6 points; grade C = 5 points; grade D = 4 points; grade E = 3 points; grade F = 2 points; and grade G = 1 point;

(b)GCSE short course: grade A* = 4 points; grade A = 3.5 points; grade B = 3 points; grade C = 2.5 points; grade D = 2 points; grade E = 1.5 points; grade F = 1 point; and grade G = 0.5 points;

(c)Full GNVQ, Intermediate level: distinction = 30 points; merit = 24 points; and other pass = 20 points; and

(d)Full GNVQ, Foundation level: distinction = 16 points; merit = 12 points; and other pass = 6 points.

PART 2‘A’ Level and NQF level 3 Qualifications: Summaries

6.  For the reporting school year, the number of pupils aged 16, 17 or 18 at the beginning of the reporting school year.

7.  For that year, the number of pupils referred to in paragraph 6 above who were entered for less than two GCE ‘A’ levels or the equivalent approved external qualifications at NQF level 3.

8.  For that year, the percentage of pupils referred to in paragraph 7 above whose achievements fall into each of the following ranges of points, namely; 0 to 4 points, 5 to 9 points and 10 to 15 points.

9.  For that year, in relation to pupils referred to in paragraph 7 above, the average number of points achieved by pupils referred to in that paragraph as determined by ascertaining the total number of points achieved by those pupils and dividing that figure by the total number of pupils.

10.  For that year, the number of pupils referred to in paragraph 6 above who were entered for two or more GCE ‘A’ levels or the equivalent approved external qualifications at NQF level 3.

11.  For that year, the percentage of pupils referred to in paragraph 10 above who achieved any grade from A to C in two or more GCE ‘A’ level examinations or an equivalent achievement in other examinations at NQF level 3 or above or in any combination of other examinations at NQF level 3 or above and GCE ‘A’ level examinations.

12.  For that year, the percentage of pupils referred to in paragraph 10 above who achieved any grade from A to E in two or more GCE ‘A’ level examinations or an equivalent achievement in other examinations at NQF level 3 or above or in any combination of other examinations at NQF level 3 or above and GCE ‘A’ level examinations.

13.  For that year, the percentage of pupils referred to in paragraph 10 above whose achievements fall into each of the following ranges of points, namely; 0 points, 1 to 4 points, 5 to 9 points, 10 to 14 points, 15 to 19 points, 20 to 24 points, 25 to 29 points and 30 points or over.

14.  For that year, in relation to pupils referred to in paragraph 10 above, the average number of points achieved by pupils referred to in that paragraph as determined by ascertaining the total number of points achieved by those pupils and dividing that figure by the total number of pupils.

15.  Each category of information referred to in each of paragraphs 7 to 9 and 11 to 14 above, but in relation to each relevant three year period expressed as an average percentage or number (as the case may be) over that period.

16.  For the purposes of paragraphs 8, 9, 13 and 14 of Part 2 of this Schedule, the following qualifications and grades equate to the following points:

(a)GCE ‘A’ level or AVCE: grade A = 10 points; grade B = 8 points; grade C = 6 points; grade D = 4 points; and grade E = 2 points; and

(b)GCE ‘AS’ or ASVCE: grade A = 5 points; grade B = 4 points; grade C = 3 points; grade D = 2 points; and grade E = 1 point.

PART 3Summaries of GCSE Results in Selected Subject Areas

17.  For the reporting school year, the percentage of pupils aged 15 at the beginning of the reporting school year who—

(a)were entered for a GCSE English examination;

(b)achieved any grade from A* to C in a GCSE English examination;

(c)achieved any grade from A* to G in a GCSE English examination;

(d)were entered for a GCSE Welsh examination;

(e)achieved any grade from A* to C in a GCSE Welsh examination;

(f)achieved any grade from A* to G in a GCSE Welsh examination;

(g)were entered for a GCSE mathematics examination;

(h)achieved any grade from A* to C in a GCSE mathematics examination;

(i)achieved any grade from A* to G in a GCSE mathematics examination;

(j)were entered for a GCSE science examination;

(k)achieved any grade from A* to C in a GCSE science examination;

(l)achieved any grade from A* to G in a GCSE science examination; and

(m)achieved any grade from A* to C in a GCSE English or Welsh examination (other than Welsh Second Language) and in both a GCSE science examination and a GCSE mathematics examination.

18.  Each category of information referred to in paragraph 15 above, but for each relevant three year period expressed as an average percentage over that period.

PART 4Results of pupils at schools in the area of the local education authority and at schools in Wales

19.  The most recent booklet published by the National Assembly showing the average results of pupils at secondary schools and schools which provide secondary education in the area of the authority and in Wales in the examinations and qualifications referred to in Parts 1, 2 and 3 of this Schedule..


S.I. 1995/2089.