Funding for pupils over compulsory school age14


Subject to regulation 16 (Budget share adjustments) the budget share for a financial year for a secondary school or special school that provides education suitable for the requirements of persons over compulsory school age must include an amount ('the Amount') in respect of that school’s pupils above compulsory school age.


The Amount must include, on a net basis —


an allocation by the local education authority in respect of that school’s provision for pupils over compulsory school age for the financial year in question in accordance with the conditions of grant payable to the local education authority by the National Council under s36 of the 2000 Act (“the Grant”);


any amount which the local education authority provides for education of pupils over compulsory school age.


To the extent the Amount is not subject to the conditions in the Grant, a local education authority must, in determining budget shares use a factor which allocates funding in respect of pupils over compulsory school age.