Regulation 13(1)


Column (1)Column (2)

1.—(a) UK, EC or overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety

(a)UK officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety

(b)UK, EC, third country or overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a listed variety

(b)UK officially certified basic seed of a listed variety

(c)in the case of black mustard, brown mustard, dioecious hemp, sunflower, swede rape, turnip rape and white mustard, UK, EC, third country or overseas tested officially certified CS seed of a listed variety

(c)in the case of black mustard, brown mustard, dioecious hemp, sunflower, swede rape, turnip rape and white mustard, UK officially certified CS seed of a listed variety

(d)in the case of flax, linseed, monoecious hemp and soya bean, UK, EC, third country or overseas tested officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety

(d)in the case of flax, linseed, monoecious hemp and soya bean, UK officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety

(e)in the case of flax, linseed, monoecious hemp and soya bean, UK, EC or overseas tested officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety

(e)in the case of flax, linseed, monoecious hemp and soya bean, UK officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety

(f)in the case of flax, UK, EC or overseas tested officially certified C3 seed of a listed variety

(f)in the case of flax, UK officially certified C3 seed of a listed variety

2.—(a) UK or EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety

(a)UK officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety

(b)UK or EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed variety

(b)UK officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed variety

(c)in the case of black mustard, brown mustard, dioecious hemp, sunflower, swede rape, turnip rape and white mustard, UK or EC officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed variety

(c)in the case of black mustard, brown mustard, dioecious hemp, sunflower, swede rape, turnip rape and white mustard, UK officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed variety

(d)in the case of flax, linseed, monoecious hemp and soya bean, UK or EC officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed variety

(d)in the case of flax, linseed, monoecious hemp and soya bean, UK officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed variety

(e)in the case of flax, linseed, monoecious hemp and soya bean, UK or EC officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed variety

(e)in the case of flax, linseed, monoecious hemp and soya bean, UK officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed variety

(f)in the case of flax, UK or EC officially certified early movement C3 seed of a listed variety

(f)in the case of flax, UK officially certified early movement C3 seed of a listed variety

(a)UK, EC or overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

(a)UK officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

(b)UK, EC, third country or overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

(b)UK officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.

(a)UK or EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

(a)UK officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

(b)UK or EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.

(b)UK officially certified early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.