Oil and Fibre Plant Seed (Wales) Regulations 2004texttext/xmlenStatute Law DatabaseSEEDS, WALES2024-10-28Expert Participation2007-10-09 These Regulations apply in Wales and come into force on 13 December 2004. They revoke and replace, with modifications, the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds Regulation 1993 (S.I. 1993/2007) insofar as they apply to Wales. They also revoke the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) Regulations 1994 (S.I. 1994/1423), the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) Regulations 1996 (S.I. 1996/1451) and the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) Regulations 1999 (S.I. 1999/1862) insofar as they apply to Wales and the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2000 (S.I. 2000/1789), all of which amended the 1993 Regulations. SCHEDULE 6CATEGORIES OF SEED THAT MAY BE MARKETEDRegulation 15(1)Breeders seed1Breeders seed.Pre-basic seed of a listed variety2UK officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety.3EC officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety.4Overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety.Basic seed of a listed variety5UK officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.6EC officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.7Third country officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.8Overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.CS seed of a listed variety9UK officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.10EC officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.11Third country officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.12Overseas tested officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.C1 seed of a listed variety13UK officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.14EC officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.15Third country officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.16Overseas tested officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.C2 seed of a listed variety17UK officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety.18EC officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety.19Overseas tested officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety.C3 seed of a listed variety20UK officially certified C3 seed of a listed variety.21EC officially certified C3 seed of a listed variety.22Overseas tested officially certified C3 seed of a listed variety.Commercial seed23UK officially certified commercial seed.24EC officially certified commercial seed.Early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety25UK officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety.26EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety.Early movement basic seed of a listed variety27UK officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed variety.28EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed variety.Early movement CS seed of a listed variety29UK officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed variety.30EC officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed variety.Early movement C1 seed of a listed variety31UK officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed variety.32EC officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed variety.Early movement C2 seed of a listed variety33UK officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed variety.34EC officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed variety.Early movement C3 seed of a listed variety35UK officially certified early movement C3 seed of a listed variety.36EC officially certified early movement C3 seed of a listed variety.Early movement commercial seed37UK officially certified early movement commercial seed.38EC officially certified early movement commercial seed.Pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety39UK officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.40EC officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.41Overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.Basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety42UK officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.43EC officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.44Third country officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.45Overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.Early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety46UK officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.47EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.Early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety48UK officially certified early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.49EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.
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<dc:title>The Oil and Fibre Plant Seed (Wales) Regulations 2004</dc:title>
<dc:publisher>Statute Law Database</dc:publisher>
<dc:subject scheme="SIheading">SEEDS, WALES</dc:subject>
<dc:contributor>Expert Participation</dc:contributor>
<dc:description>These Regulations apply in Wales and come into force on 13 December 2004. They revoke and replace, with modifications, the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds Regulation 1993 (S.I. 1993/2007) insofar as they apply to Wales. They also revoke the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) Regulations 1994 (S.I. 1994/1423), the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) Regulations 1996 (S.I. 1996/1451) and the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) Regulations 1999 (S.I. 1999/1862) insofar as they apply to Wales and the Oil and Fibre Plant Seeds (Amendment) (Wales) Regulations 2000 (S.I. 2000/1789), all of which amended the 1993 Regulations.</dc:description>
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<ukm:DocumentCategory Value="secondary"/>
<ukm:DocumentMainType Value="WelshStatutoryInstrument"/>
<ukm:DocumentStatus Value="revised"/>
<ukm:DocumentMinorType Value="regulation"/>
<ukm:Year Value="2004"/>
<ukm:Number Value="2881"/>
<ukm:AlternativeNumber Category="W" Value="251"/>
<ukm:Made Date="2004-11-02"/>
<ukm:DateTime Date="2004-12-13"/>
<ukm:ISBN Value="0110910192"/>
<ukm:Alternative Date="2008-12-05" URI="" Title="Print Version" TitleWelsh="Fersiwn i'w hargraffu" Size="402228"/>
<ukm:TotalParagraphs Value="220"/>
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<Schedule DocumentURI="" IdURI="" NumberOfProvisions="49" RestrictEndDate="2007-10-11" RestrictStartDate="2007-10-09" id="schedule-6" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Number>SCHEDULE 6</Number>
<Reference>Regulation 15(1)</Reference>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Breeders seed</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-1">
<Text>Breeders seed.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Pre-basic seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-2">
<Text>UK officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-3" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-4" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Basic seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-5">
<Text>UK officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-6" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-7" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Third country officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-8" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>CS seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-9">
<Text>UK officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-10" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-11" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Third country officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-12" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Overseas tested officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>C1 seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-13">
<Text>UK officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-14" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-15" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Third country officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-16" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Overseas tested officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>C2 seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-17">
<Text>UK officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-18" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-19" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Overseas tested officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>C3 seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-20">
<Text>UK officially certified C3 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-21" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified C3 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-22" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Overseas tested officially certified C3 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Commercial seed</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-23">
<Text>UK officially certified commercial seed.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-24" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified commercial seed.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-25">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-26" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement basic seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-27">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-28" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement CS seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-29">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-30" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement C1 seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-31">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-32" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement C2 seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-33">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-34" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement C3 seed of a listed variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-35">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement C3 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-36" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement C3 seed of a listed variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement commercial seed</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-37">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement commercial seed.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-38" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement commercial seed.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-39">
<Text>UK officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-40" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-41" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-42">
<Text>UK officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-43" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-44" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Third country officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-45" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>Overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-46">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-47" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1group RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Title>Early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety</Title>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" id="schedule-6-paragraph-48">
<Text>UK officially certified early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>
<P1 DocumentURI="" IdURI="" RestrictEndDate="2012-02-27" RestrictStartDate="2004-12-13" id="schedule-6-paragraph-49" RestrictExtent="E+W">
<Text>EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety.</Text>