Regulation 21

Description of medical certificate

Enactment under or for the purpose of which certificate required


To support a claim or to obtain payment either personally or by proxy; to prove incapacity to work or for self-support for the purposes of an award by the Secretary of State; or to enable proxy to draw pensions etc.

Naval and Marine Pay and Pensions Act 186555

Air Force (Constitution) Act 191756

Pensions (Navy, Army, Air Force and Mercantile Marine) Act 193957

Personal Injuries (Emergency Provisions) Act 193958

Pensions (Mercantile Marine) Act 194259

Polish Resettlement Act 194760

Social Security Administration Act 199261

Social Security Contributions and Benefits Act 199262

Social Security Act 199863


To establish pregnancy for the purpose of obtaining welfare foods

Section 13 of the Social Security Act 1988(Schemes for distribution etc of welfare foods64


To secure registration of still-birth

Section 11 of the Births and Deaths Registration Act 1953 special provision as to still-birth65


To enable payment to be made to an institution or other person in case of mental disorder of persons entitled to payment from public funds.

Section 142 of the Mental Health Act 1983 (pay, pensions etc of mentally disordered persons)66


To establish unfitness for jury service

Juries Act 197467


To support late application for reinstatement in civil employment or notification of non-availability to take up employment owing to sickness.

Reserve Forces (Safeguarding of Employment) Act 198568.


To enable a person to be registered as an absent voter on grounds of physical incapacity

Representation of the People Act 198369


To support applications for certificates conferring exemption from charges in respect of drugs, medicines and appliances.

National Health Service Act 197770


To support a claim by or on behalf of a severely mentally impaired person for exemption from liability to pay the Council Tax or eligibility for a discount in respect of the amount of Council Tax payable.

Local Government Finance Act 199271