2004 No. 803 (W.83)


The Library Advisory Council for Wales Abolition and Consequential Amendments Order 2004


Coming into force

Section 28(1) of, and Part 1 of Schedule 4 to, the Government of Wales Act 19981 (“the 1998 Act”), enable the National Assembly to transfer to itself the statutory functions of the Council established for Wales under section 2 of the Public Libraries and Museums Act 19642.

The National Assembly considers that the statutory functions of the Council, namely the functions of advising the National Assembly upon such matters connected with the provision or use of library facilities whether under the 1964 Act or otherwise and upon any questions referred to the Council by the National Assembly, are functions which require advice to be given to the National Assembly itself, and therefore come within section 28(2)(a) of the 1998 Act.

The National Assembly, in exercise of its powers under section 28 of, and Part 1 of Schedule 4 to, the 1998 Act makes the following Order: