Information to be furnished by relevant health bodies19


Subject to paragraph (2), it shall be the duty of each relevant Local Health Board, NHS Trust, Primary Care Trust or Strategic Health Authority to provide a Council with such information about the planning and operation of health services in its area as the Council may reasonably require in order to discharge its functions.


Nothing in paragraph (1) shall require the provision by a Local Health Board, NHS Trust, Strategic Health Authority, or a Primary Care Trust of confidential information relating to —


the diagnosis or treatment of any patient; or


personnel matters affecting any officer employed by the Local Health Board, NHS Trust, Strategic Health Authority, or Primary Care Trust; or any of other information the disclosure of which is prohibited by law.


In the event of a relevant Local Health Board, NHS Trust, Primary Care Trust or Strategic Health Authority refusing to disclose to a Council information to which paragraph (2) does not apply, the Council may appeal to the Assembly and a decision of the Assembly as to whether the information is reasonably required by the Council in order to discharge its functions shall be final for the purposes of this regulation.