Notification of assessment

9.—(1) After carrying out an assessment under regulation 8 the local authority must, in accordance with regulation 13 —

(a)supply the information specified in paragraph (2); and

(b)give notice of the right to make representations as specified in paragraph (3).

(2) The information specified is —

(a)a statement of the needs for adoption support services of the person whose needs were assessed;

(b)the services, if any, which it is proposed to provide to the person;

(c)where the assessment relates to the person’s need for financial support —

(i)the basis on which that financial support is determined;

(ii)the proposed amount which would be payable;

(d)any conditions which the local authority proposes to impose on the provision of that financial support in accordance with regulation 13(3); and

(e)details in relation to the right to make representations in accordance with paragraph (3).

(3) The person notified in accordance with paragraph (2) has the right to make representations to the local authority concerning the proposal in paragraph (2)(b) within a period specified by the local authority.

(4) The local authority must not make a decision under regulation 13 until —

(a)the person referred to in paragraph (3) has —

(i)made representations to the local authority; or

(ii)notified the local authority that he or she is satisfied with the proposed decision; or

(b)the period specified in the notice given under paragraph (1)(b) for making representations has expired.