Diwygiadau i Reoliadau Deunyddiau ac Eitemau Plastig mewn Cysylltiad â Bwyd 199810

Yn Atodlen 1, Rhan II (atodol) paragraff 4—


ar ddiwedd nodyn (21) yn lle “and 18670,” rhodder “,18670, 54880 a 59280”;


ar ôl nodyn (25) ychwaneger y canlynol—


QMA(T) in this case means that the restriction is not to be exceeded by the sum of the residual quantities of the following substances having PM/REF Nos. 10599/90A, 10599/91, 10599/92A and 10599/93.


SML(T) in this case means that the restriction is not to be exceeded by the sum of the migration levels of the following substances having PM/REF Nos. 13480 and 39680.


SML(T) in this case means that the restriction is not to be exceeded by the sum of the migration levels of the following substances having PM/REF Nos. 22775 and 69920.


Compliance testing when there is a fat contact should be performed using isoctane as substitute of simulant D (unstable).


QMA(T) in this case means that the restriction is not to be exceeded by the sum of the residual quantities of the following substances having PM/REF Nos. 14800 and 45600.