The Cereal Seed (Wales) Regulations 2005 (revoked)

  1. Introductory Text


    1. 1.Title, commencement and application

    2. 2.General interpretation

    3. 3.Definitions relating to plant species

    4. 4.Definition of marketing

    5. 5.Seed to which these Regulations apply


    1. 6.Entry of seed lots

    2. 7.Entry of crop

    3. 8.Field inspection of crops

    4. 9.Lodging of field inspection reports and similar documents

    5. 10.Re-grading of crops

    6. 11.Seed testing

    7. 12.Lodging of seed test reports

    8. 13.Re-grading of seed

    9. 14.Withdrawals


    1. 15.Marketing of seed

    2. 16.Marketing of HVS seed

    3. 17.Marketing of officially certified lower germination seed

    4. 18.Marketing of officially certified early movement seed

    5. 19.Exception for scientific purposes and selection work

    6. 20.Exception for test and trials

    7. 21.General exemptions

    8. 22.Mixtures

    9. 23.Sampling

    10. 24.Packaging

    11. 25.Sealing of packages

    12. 26.Labelling of packages


    1. 27.Civil liability of sellers of seeds

    2. 28.Arrangements for official measures

    3. 29.Fees

    4. 30.Service of notices

    5. 31.Index of defined words and expressions

    6. 32.Revocations and transitional provisions

  6. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1


      1. PART I Meaning of pre-basic seed and similar expressions

        1. 1.Pre-basic seed

        2. 2.UK officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety

        3. 3.EC officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety

        4. 4.Overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety

        5. 5.UK officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety

        6. 6.EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety

        7. 7.UK officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

        8. 8.EC officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

        9. 9.Overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

        10. 10.UK officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

        11. 11.EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

        12. 12.Officially certified pre-basic seed

      2. PART II Meaning of basic seed and similar expressions

        1. 13.Basic seed

        2. 14.UK officially certified basic seed of a listed variety

        3. 15.EC officially certified basic seed of a listed variety

        4. 16.Third country officially certified basic seed of a listed variety

        5. 17.Overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a listed variety

        6. 18.UK officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed variety

        7. 19.EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed variety

        8. 20.UK officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

        9. 21.EC officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

        10. 22.Third country officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

        11. 23.Overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

        12. 24.UK officially certified early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

        13. 25.EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

        14. 26.Officially certified basic seed

      3. PART III Meaning of CS, C1 and C2 seed and similar expressions

        1. 27.CS seed (maize and rye, and hybrids of barley, durum wheat, oats, self pollinating triticale, spelt wheat and wheat)

        2. 28.UK officially certified CS seed of a listed variety

        3. 29.EC officially certified CS seed of a listed variety

        4. 30.Third country officially certified CS seed of a listed variety

        5. 31.Overseas tested officially certified CS seed of a listed variety

        6. 32.UK officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed variety

        7. 33.EC officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed variety

        8. 34.Officially certified CS seed

        9. 35.C1 seed

        10. 36.UK officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety

        11. 37.EC officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety

        12. 38.Third country officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety

        13. 39.Overseas tested officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety

        14. 40.UK officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed variety

        15. 41.EC officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed variety

        16. 42.Officially certified C1 seed

        17. 43.C2 seed

        18. 44.UK officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety

        19. 45.EC officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety

        20. 46.Third country officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety

        21. 47.Overseas tested officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety

        22. 48.UK officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed variety

        23. 49.EC officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed variety

        24. 50.Officially certified C2 seed

        25. 51.Early multiplication

      4. PART IV Meaning of expressions relating to imported not finally certified seed

        1. 52.Not finally certified pre-basic seed harvested in another member State

        2. 53.Not finally certified basic seed harvested in another member State

        3. 54.Not finally certified CS seed harvested in another member State

        4. 55.Not finally certified C1 seed harvested in another member State

        5. 56.Not finally certified C2 seed harvested in another member State

        6. 57.Not finally certified CS seed harvested in an equivalent third country

        7. 58.Not finally certified C1 seed harvested in an equivalent third country

        8. 59.Not finally certified C2 seed harvested in an equivalent third country

    2. SCHEDULE 2


      1. 1.Barley.

      2. 2.Durum wheat.

      3. 3.Maize.

      4. 4.Oats.

      5. 5.Rye.

      6. 6.Spelt wheat.

      7. 7.Triticale.

      8. 8.Wheat.

    3. SCHEDULE 3


      1. 1.The previous cropping of the field shall not have been...

      2. 2.Subject to paragraph 3, in the case of maize, rye,...

      3. 3.Paragraph 2 shall not apply if there is sufficient protection...

      4. 4.In the case of barley, durum wheat, oats, spelt wheat...

      5. 5.Subject to paragraphs 6 and 7, the crop shall have...

      6. 6.In the case of an inbred line, the crop shall...

      7. 7.For the production of seed of a hybrid variety, the...

      8. 8.In the case of rye, other than a hybrid, the...

      9. 9.In the case of maize, the percentage by number of...

      10. 10.(1) In the case of the production of seed of...

      11. 11.(1) The provisions of this paragraph apply to a hybrid...

      12. 12.(1) The provisions of this paragraph apply to a crop...

      13. 13.The maximum number of wild oats per hectare shall be...

      14. 14.Harmful organisms which reduce the usefulness of the seed, in...

      15. 15.(1) A crop from which basic seed is to be...

      16. 16.For the purpose of determining whether the crop from which...

    4. SCHEDULE 4


      1. PART I Conditions to be examined mainly by field inspections

        1. 1.The seed shall have sufficient varietal identity and varietal purity....

        2. 2.The seed of an in-bred line shall have sufficient identity...

        3. 3.In the case of seed of a hybrid variety, the...

        4. 4.In the case of barley, durum wheat, oats, spelt wheat...

        5. 5.In the case of a self-pollinating variety of triticale, other...

        6. 6.For the purposes of paragraphs 4 and 5, the minimum...

        7. 7.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), in the case of a...

        8. 8.Where a female male-sterile component and a male component which...

        9. 9.In the case of seed produced in the manner specified...

        10. 10.(1) Subject to sub-paragraphs (3) and (4), in the case...

      2. PART II Conditions to be examined by seed testing

        1. 11.The seed shall conform to the following standards or other...

        2. 12.(1) The seed shall conform to the following standards or...

        3. 13.(1) Subject to sub-paragraph (2), it shall be determined, by...

        4. 14.Sclerotia, or fragments of sclerotia, of ergot, shall not exceed...

        5. 15.(1) In a sample of a hybrid of rye of...

        6. 16.(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the maximum moisture content of...

      3. PART III Conditions to be examined mainly by inspections of control plots

        1. 17.(1) In the case of a hybrid of barley, durum...

        2. 18.Seed of a hybrid of rye shall not be certified...

      4. PART IV Other conditions

        1. 19.Subject to paragraphs 10, 14 and 15, harmful organisms which...

      5. PART V General provisions

        1. 20.For the purpose of determining whether seed meets the conditions...

    5. SCHEDULE 5


    6. SCHEDULE 6


      1. 1.Breeders seed

      2. 2.Pre-basic seed of a listed variety

      3. 3.EC officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety.

      4. 4.Overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a listed variety....

      5. 5.Basic seed of a listed variety

      6. 6.EC officially certified basic seed of a listed variety.

      7. 7.Third country officially certified basic seed of a listed variety....

      8. 8.Overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a listed variety....

      9. 9.CS seed of a listed variety

      10. 10.EC officially certified CS seed of a listed variety.

      11. 11.Third country officially certified CS seed of a listed variety....

      12. 12.Overseas tested officially certified CS seed of a listed variety....

      13. 13.C1 seed of a listed variety

      14. 14.EC officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety.

      15. 15.Third country officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety....

      16. 16.Overseas tested officially certified C1 seed of a listed variety....

      17. 17.C2 seed of a listed variety

      18. 18.EC officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety.

      19. 19.Third country officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety....

      20. 20.Overseas tested officially certified C2 seed of a listed variety....

      21. 21.Early movement pre-basic seed of a listed variety

      22. 22.EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a listed...

      23. 23.Early movement basic seed of a listed variety

      24. 24.EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a listed...

      25. 25.Early movement CS seed of a listed variety

      26. 26.EC officially certified early movement CS seed of a listed...

      27. 27.Early movement C1 seed of a listed variety

      28. 28.EC officially certified early movement C1 seed of a listed...

      29. 29.Early movement C2 seed of a listed variety

      30. 30.EC officially certified early movement C2 seed of a listed...

      31. 31.Pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

      32. 32.EC officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used in...

      33. 33.Overseas tested officially certified pre-basic seed of a component used...

      34. 34.Basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

      35. 35.EC officially certified basic seed of a component of a...

      36. 36.Third country officially certified basic seed of a component of...

      37. 37.Overseas tested officially certified basic seed of a component of...

      38. 38.Early movement pre-basic seed of a component used in the production of a listed hybrid variety

      39. 39.EC officially certified early movement pre-basic seed of a component...

      40. 40.Early movement basic seed of a component of a listed hybrid variety

      41. 41.EC officially certified early movement basic seed of a component...

    7. SCHEDULE 7


    8. SCHEDULE 8


      1. PART I Particulars to be marked or displayed on the sale of unpackaged seed (loose sales)

        1. 1.Particulars to be marked or displayed on the sale of unpackaged seed other than a mixture of seeds

        2. 2.Particulars to be marked or displayed on the sale of an unpackaged mixture of seeds

      2. PART II Labelling of packages of breeder's seed

        1. 3.The package shall be labelled, not later than the time...

        2. 4.The label referred to in paragraph 3 shall be coloured...

      3. PART III Labelling of packages of officially certified pre-basic seed

        1. 5.Official label for a package of officially certified pre-basic seed

        2. 6.The label referred to in paragraph 5 shall be coloured...

        3. 7.The minimum size of the label referred to in paragraph...

        4. 8.The label referred to in paragraph 5—

      4. PART IV Labelling of packages of officially certified basic, CS, C1 and C2 seed

        1. 9.Official label for a package of officially certified basic, CS, C1 or C2 seed

        2. 10.Where at least germination has been retested, the words “retested”...

        3. 11.The minimum size of the label referred to in paragraph...

        4. 12.The label referred to in paragraph 9 shall be coloured—...

        5. 13.The label referred to in paragraph 9—

        6. 14.Supplier's label for a small package of officially certified pre-basic, basic, CS, C1 or C2 seed

        7. 15.The label referred to in paragraph 14(b) shall not be...

        8. 16.The label referred to in paragraph 14(b) shall be coloured—...

      5. PART V Labelling of packages of mixtures of seed

        1. 17.Official label for a package of a mixture of seeds

        2. 18.Where at least germination of all the components of a...

        3. 19.The minimum size of the label referred to in paragraph...

        4. 20.The label referred to in paragraph 17 shall be coloured...

        5. 21.The label referred to in paragraph 17—

        6. 22.Supplier's label for a small package of a mixture of seeds

        7. 23.The label referred to in paragraph 22(b) shall not be...

        8. 24.The label referred to in paragraph 22(b) shall be coloured...

      6. PART VI Printing of specified matters on packages (whole bag labelling)

        1. 25.Seed which has not been imported

        2. 26.Each package shall have printed or stamped on it, or...

        3. 27.Arrangements shall be made with the printers for returns to...

        4. 28.The reference number of the seed lot and the month...

        5. 29.There shall be kept such records or seed packaged and...

        6. 30.Each package of seed marketed in accordance with regulation shall...

        7. 31.Seed imported from another Member State

    9. SCHEDULE 9





    10. SCHEDULE 10


      1. The expressions listed in the left-hand column of the following...

  7. Explanatory Note