The Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales (Transfer of Functions to the National Assembly for Wales and Abolition) Order 2005

The Education (School Performance Information) (Wales) Regulations 2004 (SI 2004/1025)(W.122)

12.  In the Education (School Performance Information) (Wales) Regulations 2004 in regulation 2:

(a)omit ““ACCAC” (“ACCAC”) means the Qualifications, Curriculum and Assessment Authority for Wales or Awdurdod Cymwysterau, Cwricwlwm ac Asesu Cymru;”;

(b)in the definition of “external marking agency” (“asiantaeth farcio allanol”) omit “nominated by ACCAC and”.

(c)in the definition of “Statutory Assessment and Reporting Arrangements guidance” (“Canllawiau ar yr Asesu Stadudol a'r Trefniadau Adrodd”) for “ACCAC” substitute “the National Assembly”.