PART 3Administration


19.—(1) Subject to regulation 7 and 20 the functions of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales under these regulations may be performed on its behalf by two or more members of its Governing Council, who must, subject to paragraph (2), include the Director of the Governing Council.

(2) Where it is impracticable for the Director of the Governing Council to perform any of the Director’s functions under paragraph (1), that function will be performed by the deputy Director.

(3) The administration of the allowances of members of the Valuation Tribunals and the Governing Council and of the remuneration and allowances of the Valuation Tribunal Service for Wales’s employees will be the responsibility of the Chief Executive.

(4) In respect of any payment under regulation 17 the Chief Executive must keep a record for each Valuation Tribunal and the Governing Council of the name of the recipient and the amount and reason for the payment, and must permit any person authorised by the National Assembly for Wales to inspect and make copies of such records.

(5) In this regulation, “Chief Executive” (“Prif Weithredwr”) means an interim Chief Executive appointed under regulation 18(1) or a Chief Executive appointed under regulation 18(3).