PART 10Charges for Veterinary Checks

Appeals against charges paid to local authorities

57.—(1) Any person who has paid a charge for veterinary checks to a local authority, and any organisation representing such persons, may, within twenty-one days of the charge being made, appeal in writing on the ground that the amount of the charge is unreasonable—

(a)to the National Assembly for Wales, where the charge is for veterinary checks carried out otherwise than in relation to any function of the Agency; and

(b)to the Agency, where the charge is for veterinary checks carried out in relation to any function of the Agency.

(2) Where there is an appeal under paragraph (1), the National Assembly for Wales or the Agency, as the case may be, shall consult with the local authority and, if then satisfied that the amount of the charge is unreasonable, shall so inform the local authority, and the local authority shall recalculate the amount of the charge in accordance with any directions given by the National Assembly for Wales or the Agency and repay to the person who has paid the charge the difference between the original charge and the recalculated charge.