2006 No. 1341 (W.132)


The General Teaching Council for Wales (Additional Functions) (Amendment) Order 2006


Coming into force

In exercise of the powers conferred on the Secretary of State by sections 7(1) and (4) and 42(6) and (7) of the Teaching and Higher Education Act 19981 and now vested in the National Assembly for Wales2, the National Assembly for Wales, being of the opinion that the General Teaching Council for Wales may, having regard to their general objectives, appropriately discharge the additional functions hereby conferred and having carried out such consultation as appears to it to be appropriate, makes the following Order:

Title and commencement1

The title of this Order is the General Teaching Council for Wales (Additional Functions) (Amendment) Order 2006 and it comes into force on 31 May 2006.

Amendment of the General Teaching Council for Wales (Additional Functions) Order 20002

The General Teaching Council for Wales (Additional Functions) Order 20003is amended as follows-


in Part I of the Schedule, in paragraph 2 after “(c)”there is inserted “, (3B)”; and


in Part II of the Schedule, after paragraph 20 there is inserted-


Where a person is a qualified teacher who is ineligible for registration pursuant to section 3(3B) of the 1998 Act4(ie. because the Council are not satisfied as to the person's suitability to be a teacher), particulars of the grounds on which the decision to refuse the application was taken.

Signed on behalf of the National Assembly for Wales under section 66(1) of the Government of Wales Act 19985

D. Elis-ThomasThe Presiding Officer of the National Assembly

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends The General Teaching Council for Wales (Additional Functions) Order 2000. That Order requires the General Teaching Council for Wales (“the Council”) to maintain records relating to specified categories of persons. This Order adds to those categories persons ineligible for registration because the Council are not satisfied as to their suitability to be teachers. It also requires the Council to include in its records particulars of the grounds on which it was decided that a person is not suitable to be a teacher.