The Avian Influenza and Influenza of Avian Origin in Mammals (Wales) Order 2006

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introduction

    1. 1.Title, application and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Scope of the Act and of this Order

    4. 4.Declarations, licences, notices and designations under this Order

    5. 5.Controlled zones

  3. PART 2 Preventive measures

    1. 6.Measures to reduce the risk of transmission of avian influenza

    2. 7.Surveillance for avian influenza

  4. PART 3 Measures on suspicion of avian influenza

    1. 8.Disapplication of measures to regulated places

    2. 9.Notification procedures and precautions to be taken where avian influenza is suspected

    3. 10.Notice of restrictions where avian influenza is suspected on premises

    4. 11.Derogations from restrictions applicable at suspect premises

    5. 12.Veterinary inquiries and sampling

    6. 13.Measures to minimise the risk of the spread of avian influenza from suspect premises

    7. 14.Restrictions where avian influenza is suspected in transit

    8. 15.Measures in a temporary movement restriction zone

    9. 16.Additional restrictions at suspect premises

    10. 17.Declaration of a temporary control zone around the suspect premises

  5. PART 4 Measures on confirmation of highly pathogenic avian influenza at premises other than regulated places

    1. 18.Disapplication of measures to regulated places

    2. 19.Restrictions on confirmation of highly pathogenic avian influenza

    3. 20.Killing of birds on premises

    4. 21.Movement of birds off premises for killing

    5. 22.Measures on special category premises

    6. 23.Tracing of meat and eggs from infected premises

    7. 24.Measures when meat and eggs have been traced

    8. 25.Veterinary inquiry at infected premises

    9. 26.Identification of contact premises

    10. 27.Restrictions at contact premises

    11. 28.Declaration of protection, surveillance and restricted zones

    12. 29.Size of zones

    13. 30.Measures in protection zones

    14. 31.Measures in surveillance zones

    15. 32.Restrictions on trade in things from areas where measures have been disapplied

    16. 33.Alternative measures where avian influenza is confirmed at a hatchery or in other captive birds on special category premises

    17. 34.Measures in restricted zones

    18. 35.Additional measures in protection, surveillance and restricted zones

    19. 36.Ending of protection, surveillance and restricted zones

  6. PART 5 Measures on suspicion or confirmation of highly pathogenic avian influenza in regulated places and vehicles

    1. 37.Veterinary measures at slaughterhouses

    2. 38.Veterinary measures where avian influenza is suspected or confirmed in vehicles

    3. 39.Killing of birds in slaughterhouses where disease is suspected or confirmed

    4. 40.Poultry meat and by-products in slaughterhouses where disease is suspected or confirmed

    5. 41.Measures at border inspection posts

    6. 42.Measures if avian influenza is suspected or confirmed in a vehicle

    7. 43.Cleansing and disinfection of regulated places and vehicles

    8. 44.Reintroduction of poultry and other captive birds

    9. 45.Measures at other premises

  7. PART 6 Measures on confirmation of low pathogenic avian influenza

    1. 46.Measures when low pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed

    2. 47.Killing of poultry and other captive birds

    3. 48.Movement of eggs from premises where low pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed

    4. 49.Veterinary surveillance of poultry

    5. 50.Measures on special category premises

    6. 51.Veterinary surveillance of birds

    7. 52.Tracing of poultry and eggs

    8. 53.Identification of contact premises

    9. 54.Restrictions at contact premises

    10. 55.Declaration of a low pathogenic avian influenza restricted zone

    11. 56.Size of zones

    12. 57.Measures in low pathogenic avian influenza restricted zones

  8. PART 7 Measures to reduce the risk of the spread of influenza viruses of avian origin to other species

    1. 58.Tests on animals at premises where avian influenza is confirmed

    2. 59.Killing of mammals

    3. 60.Movements off the premises

    4. 61.Measures at other premises

    5. 62.Additional measures to control the spread of virus in mammals

  9. PART 8 General measures on suspicion or confirmation of avian influenza

    1. 63.Treatment, labelling and movement of meat from poultry from a protection zone

    2. 64.Poultry moved to premises outside controlled zones other than for slaughter

    3. 65.Movements to egg processing plants

    4. 66.Cleansing, disinfection and treatment

    5. 67.Restocking

    6. 68.Surveillance at restocked commercial poultry premises

    7. 69.Additional measures at restocked commercial poultry premises

    8. 70.Measures at other restocked premises

    9. 71.Designation of premises to which things may be moved

    10. 72.Duty to provide reasonable assistance

    11. 73.Provision of information

    12. 74.Records of movements authorised by general licence

    13. 75.Retention and production of records

    14. 76.Duty to comply with declarations, licences and notices

    15. 77.Costs of compliance

    16. 78.Killing of birds and destruction of things which may be contaminated

    17. 79.Duty of the local authority to erect signs

  10. PART 9 Inspection, enforcement, offences, amendments and revocations

    1. 80.Redirection of mammals, birds and eggs in transit

    2. 81.Veterinary investigations

    3. 82.Inspection of vehicles

    4. 83.General powers of inspectors

    5. 84.Powers of inspectors in case of default

    6. 85.Offences by bodies corporate

    7. 86.Ignorance of restriction or requirement

    8. 87.Enforcement

    9. 88.Revocations and amendments

  11. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Measures where avian influenza or avian influenza virus is suspected on premises

      1. 1.Record of poultry, other captive birds and mammals

      2. 2.Housing or isolation of poultry and other captive birds

      3. 3.Prohibition on movement of poultry and other captive birds to and from the premises

      4. 4.Prohibition on the removal of other things liable to transmit avian influenza

      5. 5.Prohibition on movement of people, animals and vehicles to and from the premises

      6. 6.Restrictions on the movement of eggs

      7. 7.Any person moving eggs under paragraph 6(a) must ensure that—...

      8. 8.No person is to tamper with a seal attached under...

      9. 9.Disinfection at entrances and exits

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Measures on premises where highly pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed

      1. 1.Killing and seizure

      2. 2.Measures to minimise the risk of spread of avian influenza to wild birds

      3. 3.Disposal of carcases and eggs

      4. 4.Tracing

      5. 5.Cleansing and disinfection

      6. 6.Restocking

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Cleansing and disinfection of premises other than regulated places and of any thing (including any vehicle) on those premises

      1. Part 1 General procedures for cleansing, disinfection and treatment

        1. 1.Any person carrying out cleansing, disinfection and treatment (including measures...

        2. 2.Any person using a disinfectant or degreasing agent under this...

        3. 3.A person cleansing and disinfecting under this Order must ensure...

        4. 4.A person washing with liquids applied under pressure must avoid...

        5. 5.A person who has cleansed and disinfected part of any...

        6. 6.A person carrying out a cleansing or disinfecting procedure must...

        7. 7.A person who makes such a record must keep it...

      2. Part 2 Specific procedures for the cleansing and disinfecting of infected premises

        1. 8.This Part applies to the cleansing and disinfecting of infected...

        2. 9.Preliminary cleansing and disinfecting

        3. 10.A person carrying out a cleansing or disinfection procedure must...

        4. 11.Following killing— (a) carcases must be sprayed with disinfectant;

        5. 12.Final cleansing and disinfecting

        6. 13.All surfaces must be subjected to the following procedures—

      3. Part 3 Disinfection of contaminated litter, manure and slurry

        1. 14.Manure and used bedding must— (a) be steam treated at...

        2. 15.Slurry must be stored for at least 60 days after...

        3. 16.Manure, litter and bedding which may be contaminated may, if...

        4. 17.The transport of such manure, litter or bedding must be...

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Measures in a protection zone

      1. 1.Record keeping and duty to inform the National Assembly of birds' change in health

      2. 2.The occupier of any premises must make a record of...

      3. 3.Every person who is engaged in the transport or marketing...

      4. 4.The records referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 above...

      5. 5.Paragraphs 1 and 3 do not apply to—

      6. 6.Isolation of poultry and other captive birds

      7. 7.If birds are kept isolated but not housed, the occupier...

      8. 8.Restrictions on the movement of poultry, other captive birds and mammals onto and off premises

      9. 9.Disposal of carcases

      10. 10.Biosecurity measures

      11. 11.Litter, poultry manure and slurry

      12. 12.Gatherings of poultry

      13. 13.Release of game

      14. 14.Restrictions on the movement of birds, eggs, poultry meat and carcases

      15. 15.Poultry and eggs may be transported through the zone on...

      16. 16.The movements referred to in paragraph 14(a) are the following—...

      17. 17.Requirements for the movement of poultry from premises in the zone for immediate slaughter at a slaughterhouse

      18. 18.Requirements for the movement of poultry meat from poultry sent to a designated slaughterhouse from premises within the zone

      19. 19.Requirements for the movement of poultry to a designated slaughterhouse within the zone from premises outside the zone

      20. 20.Requirements for the movement of day-old chicks hatched from eggs produced in the zone or from eggs which had contact with such eggs

      21. 21.Requirements for the movement of day-old chicks hatched from eggs originating outside the zone

      22. 22.Requirements for the movement of ready-to-lay poultry

      23. 23.Requirements for the movement of hatching eggs from the zone to a designated hatchery or a designated laboratory or institute for use for scientific, diagnostic or pharmaceutical purposes

      24. 24.Requirements for the movement of table eggs to a packing centre

      25. 25.Requirements at slaughterhouses

      26. 26.Requirements for poultry meat

      27. 27.Poultry meat from poultry originating outside the zone is subject...

      28. 28.Cleansing and disinfection of vehicles

      29. 29.A person who enters or leaves premises by vehicle must...

      30. 30.Access to prohibited places

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Measures in Surveillance Zones

      1. 1.Record keeping and duty to inform the National Assembly of birds' change in health

      2. 2.The occupier of any premises must make a record of...

      3. 3.Every person who is engaged in the transport or marketing...

      4. 4.The records referred to in paragraphs 2 and 3 above...

      5. 5.Paragraphs 1 and 3 do not apply to—

      6. 6.Restrictions on the movement of poultry, other captive birds and mammals onto and off premises

      7. 7.Biosecurity measures

      8. 8.Litter, poultry manure and slurry

      9. 9.Gatherings of poultry

      10. 10.Release of game

      11. 11.Restrictions on the movement of poultry and eggs within the zone

      12. 12.Paragraph 11 does not apply to the retail distribution of...

      13. 13.A veterinary inspector must not grant a licence under paragraph...

      14. 14.A veterinary inspector may license the movement of poultry from...

      15. 15.Restrictions on the movement of poultry and eggs out of the zone

      16. 16.Paragraph 15 does not apply to the retail distribution of...

      17. 17.Requirements for the movement of poultry from premises in the zone for immediate slaughter at a designated slaughterhouse

      18. 18.Requirements for the movement of day-old chicks hatched from eggs produced within the surveillance zone or from eggs which have had contact with such eggs

      19. 19.Requirements for the movement of day-old chicks hatched from eggs originating outside the protection and surveillance zones

      20. 20.Requirements for the movement of hatching eggs from the zone to a designated hatchery, or to a designated laboratory or institute for use for scientific, diagnostic or pharmaceutical purposes

      21. 21.Requirements for the movement of table eggs to a packing centre

      22. 22.Requirements for the movement of table eggs to premises for the manufacture of egg products

      23. 23.Cleansing and disinfection of vehicles

      24. 24.A person who enters or leaves premises by vehicle must...

    6. SCHEDULE 6

      Measures when low pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed

      1. PART 1 Measures on premises where low pathogenic avian influenza is confirmed

        1. 1.Record of poultry, other captive birds and mammals

        2. 2.Housing or isolation of poultry and other captive birds

        3. 3.Prohibition on movement of poultry and other captive birds to and from the premises

        4. 4.Movement of poultry to a slaughterhouse

        5. 5.No person is to remove the seal on a vehicle...

        6. 6.A person who transports any bird or any thing which...

        7. 7.Prohibition on the movement of people, animals, vehicles and equipment to and from premises

        8. 8.Disposal of carcases

        9. 9.Disposal of hatching eggs

        10. 10.A veterinary inspector may direct, on special category premises, that...

        11. 11.Tracing of hatching eggs and of poultry from such eggs

        12. 12.Manure, slurry and bedding

        13. 13.Cleansing and disinfection

        14. 14.Other material which may be contaminated

        15. 15.Killing and seizure

        16. 16.Restrictions on the movement of eggs

        17. 17.Disinfection at entrances and exits

      2. PART 2 Criteria to be considered by the National Assembly before permitting movements from premises where low pathogenic avian influenza has been confirmed

        1. 18.The following are the criteria to be considered by the...

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Measures in a low pathogenic avian influenza restricted zone

      1. 1.Restrictions on the movement of poultry, other captive birds and mammals onto and off premises

      2. 2.Biosecurity measures

      3. 3.Litter, poultry manure and slurry

      4. 4.Gatherings of poultry

      5. 5.Release of game

      6. 6.Restrictions on the movement of poultry, other captive birds and eggs within the zone

      7. 7.Restrictions on the movement of poultry, other captive birds and eggs out of the zone

      8. 8.Paragraphs 6 and 7 do not apply to the retail...

      9. 9.Carcases

      10. 10.Cleansing and disinfection of vehicles

  12. Explanatory Note