PART 8General measures on suspicion or confirmation of avian influenza

Surveillance at restocked commercial poultry premises

68.—(1) The National Assembly must ensure that the following measures are taken not more than 21 days after the date any poultry are brought onto commercial poultry premises for restocking—

(a)the examination of any poultry on the premises by a veterinary inspector;

(b)the taking from such poultry of such samples as the National Assembly requires and the laboratory testing of such samples for avian influenza;

(c)the testing for avian influenza of such poultry which die on the premises as a veterinary inspector considers necessary.

(2) A veterinary inspector who examines poultry under paragraph (1)(a) may carry out more than one examination of the birds and must ensure that he or she carries out at least one examination as close as possible to the end of the 21 day period referred to in paragraph (1).