3. A statement setting out the authority’s strategy for improving the performance of schools maintained by the authority, including their strategies for the following—
(a)support for schools—
(i)whose performance is significantly worse than for other schools in Wales with comparable levels of pupils entitled to free school meals; or
(ii)which have been inspected by a registered inspector, whose inspection report states that in the inspector’s opinion special measures are required to be taken in relation to the school, or the school requires significant improvement, and that the Chief Inspector agrees with that opinion; or
(iii)which have been inspected by a member of the Inspectorate whose inspection report states that in the inspector’s opinion special measures are required to be taken in relation to the school, or the school requires significant improvement;
(b)support for schools in improving pupil transition between the second key stage and third;
(c)support to schools to improve standards of literacy or numeracy, including provision for improving the basic skills of under-attainers;
(d)provision for pupils with learning needs which are significantly greater than those of the majority of their peers;
(e)support for schools which is aimed at keeping pupils in school and reintegrating excluded pupils;
(f)support to schools to develop community focus;
(g)support for linguistic continuity in the Welsh language; and
(h)support to schools to improve pupil attendance.