Introductory Text
PART 1 General
1.Title, application and commencement
PART 2 Designation of competent authorities and the exchange of information amongst them
3.Purposes of designations
4.Designation of the National Assembly as competent authority
5.Designation of local authorities, etc, as competent authorities
6.Exchange of information
PART 3 Audits and Community controls
7.Powers of auditors and exception for Food Standards Agency auditors
8.Powers of the National Assembly in relation to audits of local authorities, etc.
9.Powers of the Food Standards Agency undertaking audits on behalf of the National Assembly
10.Community controls
PART 4 Assistance and co-operation under Title IV
11.Duties of local authorities, etc, under Title IV
12.Facilitating assistance and co-operation under Title IV
13.Recovery of expenses
PART 5 Enforcement and penalties
14.Interpretation and application of Part 5, etc.
16.Powers of enforcement officers
17.Offences and penalties
18.Offences by bodies corporate
19.Time limits for prosecution
20.Amendment to the 2006 Regulations
Explanatory Note