Grants for living and other costs

22.—(1) Subject to paragraphs (2) and (3), a European University Institute student qualifies in respect of an academic year for the grants for living and other costs specified in and calculated in accordance with paragraphs (3) to (7).

(2) A European University Institute student does not qualify for any of the grants payable under this regulation if paragraph 9 of Part 2 of Schedule 2 is the only paragraph of Part 2 of that Schedule into which the student falls.

(3) A European University Institute student qualifies for a grant for living costs of 13,000 euro.

(4) A European University Institute student qualifies for a grant for travel home of the amount determined by the Welsh Ministers to be the reasonable cost of one return journey from the student’s home address to the European University Institute;

(5) A European University Institute student qualifies for a grant for college travel of the amount determined by the Welsh Ministers to be the reasonable cost of travel from the student’s residence whilst attending the European University Institute to the European University Institute.

(6) Subject to the prior agreement of the Welsh Ministers before costs are incurred, a European University Institute student qualifies for a grant for research travel of the amount determined by the Welsh Ministers to be the reasonable cost of travel incurred for the purposes of completing periods of research authorised by the European University Institute during the academic year in respect of which support is being applied for.

(7) A European University Institute student qualifies for a grant for medical insurance of the amount determined by the Welsh Ministers to be the reasonable cost of insuring the student against liability for the cost of medical treatment provided outside the United Kingdom where the ordinary duration of the course is more than one academic year.

23.  A deduction may be made in accordance with Part 5 from the amount payable in respect of any of the grants calculated under paragraphs (4) to (6) of regulation 22.