Powers of inspectors

18.—(1) An inspector has, on producing, if required to do so, some duly authenticated document showing his or her authority, the right at all reasonable hours to enter any land or premises for the purposes of ascertaining whether there is or has been on the premises any contravention of these Regulations; and in this regulation “premises” includes any place, installation, vehicle (including any container, trailer, semi-trailer, caravan or other thing which is designed or adapted to be towed by another vehicle), train, ship, vessel, boat, craft, hovercraft or aircraft.

(2) An inspector has powers to carry out all checks and examinations necessary for the enforcement of these Regulations, and in particular may—

(a)detain any vehicle, vessel, container or anything which he or she reasonably suspects to contain animals or products controlled by these Regulations and intended for export for as long as is reasonably necessary to determine whether the consignment complies with the conditions for export;

(b)search any premises;

(c)carry out inspections of any processes used for the marking and identification of animals, any premises and any installation;

(d)examine documentary or data processing material relevant to the checks carried out under these Regulations including any import or export manifest; and

(e)take with him or her a representative of the European Commission acting for the purposes of the Decision.