The Bluetongue (Wales) (Amendment) Order 2007

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order amends the Bluetongue (Wales) Order 2003, S.I 2003/326 (W.47) (“the 2003 Order”), which implements Council Directive 2000/75 laying down specific provisions for the control and eradication of bluetongue (OJ No L327, 22.12.2000, p 74).

Paragraph 1 of the Schedule amends the definition of “Chief Veterinary Officer”.

Paragraph 2 of the Schedule amends article 8 of the 2003 Order by omitting the provisions relating to destruction, burial or disposal of carcases.

Paragraph 3 of the Schedule inserts a new article 9(1)(e) containing slaughter powers.

Paragraph 4 of the Schedule replaces articles 10 to 12 of the 2003 Order with new provisions, articles 10 to 12B, concerning zones to be declared by the Welsh Ministers in the event of the confirmation of bluetongue.

New article 10 contains provisions relating to control zones with a radius of 20 kilometres centred on the outbreak point. (The term “the outbreak point” is defined in new article 10(8)). The Welsh Ministers may extend or reduce the size of a control zone. The movement of animals to or from premises in a control zone is prohibited except in accordance with a licence granted by an inspector.

New article 11 contains provisions relating to protection zones and surveillance zones declared by the Welsh Ministers. The movement of animals out of a protection zone or surveillance zone is prohibited except in accordance with a licence granted by an inspector.

New article 12 contains provisions relating to the powers of inspectors in protection and surveillance zones.

New article 12A enables the Welsh Ministers to declare control, protection or surveillance zones in the event of an outbreak of bluetongue in Scotland, England or Northern Ireland. New article 12B contains provisions about declarations of zones.

No regulatory impact assessment has been prepared for this Order as no impact on the private or voluntary sectors is foreseen.