PART 3Spring water

Bottling of spring water and exploitation of spring water springs10


No person may cause any water to be bottled in a bottle marked or labelled with the description “spring water” unless that water —


has been extracted from a spring; and


meets the requirements of Schedules 2 and 4.


No person may cause any water which has been treated with ozone-enriched air to be bottled in a bottle marked or labelled spring water, unless that treatment is an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique.


Where it is found during exploitation that spring water is polluted and that bottling of the water would contravene paragraph 6, 7 or 8 of Schedule 4, no person may exploit the spring from which the water is extracted until the cause of the pollution is eradicated and the bottling of the water would comply with those paragraphs.

Marking, labelling and advertising of spring water11


No person may cause any bottle to be marked or labelled with the description “spring water” unless the water contained in it—


is bottled as specified in regulation 10; and


is intended for consumption in its natural state.


No person may cause any bottle containing water and marked or labelled with the description “spring water” to be marked or labelled with—


a trade description including the name of a locality, hamlet or other place, unless that trade description refers to water the spring of which is exploited at the place indicated by that description and is not misleading as regards the place of exploitation of the spring; or


a trade description that is different from the name of the spring or the place of its exploitation unless the place of exploitation or the name of the spring is also marked or labelled on the bottle, using letters at least one and a half times the height and width of the largest of the letters used for that trade description.


No person may cause any water to be bottled in a bottle marked or labelled with the description “spring water” unless the bottle is also marked or labelled with—


the name of the place where the spring in question is exploited; and


the name of the spring; and


in any case where the water has undergone an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique, the words “water subjected to an authorised ozone-enriched air oxidation technique”, which words must appear in proximity to the particulars referred to in sub-paragraphs (a) and (b).


Where in accordance with paragraph (2)(b) a bottle containing spring water is required to be marked or labelled with the place of exploitation or the name of the spring—


the same requirement also applies to any written advertisement for that spring water; and


in any other advertisement, at least equivalent importance must be given to the place of exploitation or the name of the spring as is given to the trade description.


No person may advertise any spring water in contravention of paragraph (4).

Sale of spring water12


No person may sell any water bottled in a bottle marked or labelled with the description “spring water”—


which has not been bottled in accordance with regulation 10; or


which is not marked or labelled in accordance with regulation 11.


No person may sell water from one and the same spring, bottled in a bottle marked or labelled with the description “spring water”, under more than one trade description.