PART 5Holding Registers

Holding Register23


Every keeper, other than a transporter, must comply with Article 5(1), (3) and (5) of the Council Regulation.


When an animal is moved onto or from its holding, the keeper must record—


the information required by Section B of the Annex to the Council Regulation; and


the number of animals moved.


The information referred to in paragraph (2) in respect of animals moving onto a holding must be recorded by the keeper by entering it in section 3 of the register.


The information referred to in paragraph (2) in respect of animals moving from a holding must be recorded by the keeper by entering it in section 3 of the register.


Where an animal is consigned for export the keeper at the holding of origin must, in addition to the information referred to in paragraph (2), record the unique number of that animal when recording its movement on to and off the holding of origin, by the methods set out in paragraphs (3) and (4) respectively.


For the purposes of Article 5(3) of the Council Regulation, the register must be in the form set out in Schedule 1.


The keeper must complete the register—


in the case of the movement of an animal on to or from a holding or from one location on a holding to another, within 36 hours of the movement;


in the case of the replacement of an identification mark, within 36 hours of the replacement.


Where a keeper moves his or her animals to another holding but continues to be the keeper, the keeper does not have to keep the register on that holding but must be able to produce it within a reasonable amount of time to the Welsh Ministers upon request.


For the purposes of Article 5(3) of the Council Regulation, the period for which the register must be available is 3 years from when the last entry was made.