The Education (National Curriculum) (Attainment Targets and Programmes of Study) (Wales) Order 2008


7.—(1) The provisions of this Order insofar as they relate to the geography document will come into force on—

(a)1 August 2008 in respect of pupils in the first three years of the second key stage and the first two years of the third key stage; and

(b)1 August 2009 in respect of pupils in the fourth year of the second key stage and the third year of the third key stage.

(2) The provisions relating to the attainment target and programmes of study set out in the geography document have effect for the purpose of specifying the attainment target and programmes of study in relation to geography.

(3) The examples printed in italics in the geography document (which serve to illustrate the programmes of study described therein) do not form part of the provision made by this Order.