PART 3 Administration and enforcement
Control and eradication of TSE in bovine animals
Control and eradication of TSE in animals that are not bovine, ovine or caprine
PART 2 Production of protein and feedingstuffs
9.Offences relating to fishmeal and feedingstuffs containing fishmeal
10.Feedingstuffs containing dicalcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate for feeding to non-ruminant animals
11.Offences relating to feedingstuffs containing dicalcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate for feeding to non-ruminant animals
13.Offences relating to feedingstuffs containing blood products or blood meal
15.Conditions applying to the storage and transport of bulk quantities of protein products and feedingstuffs containing such proteins
16.Conditions applying to the manufacture and transport of petfood or feedingstuffs
20.Cross-contamination of materials originating from premises where processed animal proteins (except fishmeal) are in use
Specified risk material, mechanically separated meat and slaughtering techniques