The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Wales) Regulations 2008 (revoked)

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 General provisions

    1. 1.Title, application and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 3.Appointment of competent authority

    4. 4.Exception for research

  3. PART 2 Introduction of Schedules

    1. 5.The Schedules

  4. PART 3 Administration and enforcement

    1. 6.Approvals, authorisations, licences and registrations

    2. 7.Occupier's duty

    3. 8.Suspension and amendment

    4. 9.Revocations of approvals, etc.

    5. 10.Appeals

    6. 11.Valuations

    7. 12.Appointment of inspectors

    8. 13.Powers of entry

    9. 14.Powers of inspectors

    10. 15.Notices

    11. 16.Notices restricting movement

    12. 17.Obstruction

    13. 18.Penalties

    14. 19.Corporate offences

    15. 20.Enforcement

    16. 21.Revocations

  5. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Ambulatory references

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      TSE monitoring

      1. PART 1 Monitoring for TSE

        1. 1.Notifications for the purposes of monitoring under Article 6 of the Community TSE Regulation

        2. 2.Consignment and slaughter of an over-age bovine animal

        3. 3.Brain stem sampling of bovine animals

        4. 4.Approval of laboratories

        5. 5.Slaughter of bovine animals over 30 months of age

        6. 6.Retention of products and disposal

        7. 7.Compensation

      2. PART 2 Contents of an RMOP

        1. 8.Animal identification and separation

        2. 9.Brain stem sampling

        3. 10.Correlation of sample to carcase and all other parts of the body

        4. 11.Retention of carcases

        5. 12.Retention of parts of the body

        6. 13.Disposal before receipt of the result

        7. 14.Other measures following sampling

        8. 15.Removal of vertebral column

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Control and eradication of TSE in bovine animals

      1. 1.Control and eradication of TSE — notification

      2. 2.Restriction of a notified animal

      3. 3.Slaughter of a suspect animal

      4. 4.Identification and restriction of offspring and cohorts

      5. 5.Action following confirmation

      6. 6.Death while under restriction

      7. 7.Placing on the market of bovine progeny

      8. 8.When compensation is payable

      9. 9.Amount of compensation payable

      10. Categories

      11. 10.Exceptions

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Control and eradication of TSE in sheep and goats

      1. 1.Notification of TSE

      2. 2.Restriction of a notified animal

      3. 3.Slaughter of a suspect animal

      4. 4.Movement restrictions

      5. 5.Action where TSE is not confirmed

      6. 6.Confirmation of TSE in sheep

      7. 7.Confirmation of TSE in goats

      8. 8.Confirmation of BSE in sheep or goats

      9. 9.Confirmation of atypical scrapie in sheep or goats

      10. 10.Time for appeals

      11. 11.Killing and destruction following confirmation

      12. 12.Infected animals from another holding

      13. 13.Common grazing

      14. 14.Multiple flocks on a holding

      15. 15.Subsequent occupiers

      16. 16.Introduction of animals onto a holding

      17. 17.Use of ovine germinal products

      18. 18.Movement of animals from a holding

      19. 19.Time of movement restrictions

      20. 20.Death while under restriction

      21. 21.Placing on the market of progeny of BSE affected sheep and goats

      22. 22.Compensation for a sheep or goat slaughtered as a suspect animal

      23. 23.Compensation for animals killed or products destroyed following confirmation of TSE

      24. Compensation

      25. 24.Valuations

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Control and eradication of TSE in animals that are not bovine, ovine or caprine

      1. 1.Notification

      2. 2.Restriction of a notified animal

      3. 3.Slaughter of a suspect animal

      4. 4.Compensation

      5. 5.Retention of products and disposal

    6. SCHEDULE 6


      1. PART 1 Restrictions on feeding proteins to animals

        1. 1.Prohibition on feeding animal protein to ruminants

        2. 2.Prohibition on feeding animal protein to non-ruminants

        3. 3.Exceptions

        4. 4.Movement prohibitions and restrictions of animals

        5. 5.Slaughter of animals

        6. 6.Compensation

        7. 7.Slaughter or sale for human consumption

      2. PART 2 Production of protein and feedingstuffs

        1. 8.Fishmeal for feeding to non-ruminant farmed animals

        2. 9.Offences relating to fishmeal and feedingstuffs containing fishmeal

        3. 10.Feedingstuffs containing dicalcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate for feeding to non-ruminant animals

        4. 11.Offences relating to feedingstuffs containing dicalcium phosphate or tricalcium phosphate for feeding to non-ruminant animals

        5. 12.Blood products and blood meal

        6. 13.Offences relating to feedingstuffs containing blood products or blood meal

        7. 14.Change in use of equipment

        8. 15.Conditions applying to the storage and transport of bulk quantities of protein products and feedingstuffs containing such proteins

        9. 16.Conditions applying to the manufacture and transport of petfood or feedingstuffs

        10. 17.Export of processed animal protein to third countries

        11. 18.Fertilisers

        12. 19.Record keeping for transport etc. of reject petfood

        13. 20.Cross-contamination of materials originating from premises where processed animal proteins (except fishmeal) are in use

    7. SCHEDULE 7

      Specified risk material, mechanically separated meat and slaughtering techniques

      1. 1.Appointment of the Food Standards Agency as the competent authority

      2. 2.Training

      3. 3.Mechanically separated meat

      4. 4.Pithing

      5. 5.Tongue harvesting

      6. 6.Head meat harvesting

      7. 7.Removal of specified risk material

      8. 8.Bovine animals in a slaughterhouse

      9. 9.Sheep and goats in a slaughterhouse

      10. 10.Young lamb and goat stamps

      11. 11.Removal of spinal cord from sheep and goats

      12. 12.Authorisation of cutting plants by the Food Standards Agency

      13. 13.Removal of specified risk material at a cutting plant authorised under paragraph 12(1)

      14. 14.Meat from another member State

      15. 15.Staining and disposal of specified risk material

      16. 16.Scheme animals

      17. 17.Security of specified risk material

      18. 18.Prohibition on the supply of specified risk material for human consumption

    8. SCHEDULE 8

      Restrictions on export

      1. 1.Export to other member States and to third countries of bovine animals and products

      2. 2.Export to member States of heads and un-split carcases

      3. 3.Export to third countries of products containing specified risk material

  6. Explanatory Note