The Transmissible Spongiform Encephalopathies (Wales) Regulations 2008

Suspension and amendment

8.—(1) The Welsh Ministers may suspend or amend an approval, authorisation, licence or registration granted under these Regulations if—

(a)any of the conditions under which it was granted is not fulfilled; or

(b)the Welsh Ministers are satisfied that the provisions of the Community TSE Regulation or of these Regulations are not being complied with.

(2) The Welsh Ministers may amend an approval, authorisation, licence or registration granted under these Regulations if the Welsh Ministers consider it necessary in the light of technical or scientific developments.

(3) A suspension or amendment—

(a)may have immediate effect if the Welsh Ministers consider it necessary for the protection of public or animal health; and

(b)otherwise, may have effect after the expiration of at least 21 days.

(4) Notification of the suspension or amendment must—

(a)be in writing;

(b)state when the suspension or amendment comes into effect;

(c)give the reasons; and

(d)explain that the person who has been notified has the right to make written representations to a person appointed by the Welsh Ministers.

(5) The appeals procedure in regulation 10 then applies.

(6) If the suspension or amendment does not have immediate effect and representations are made under regulation 10, it must not have effect until the final determination of the appeal by the Welsh Ministers unless the Welsh Ministers consider that it is necessary for the protection of public or animal health for the amendment or suspension to have effect before then.