The Tuberculosis (Wales) Order 2010

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 General

    1. 1.Title, commencement and application

    2. 2.Interpretation

    3. 2A.Approval of veterinary surgeons

    4. 3.Revocation

    5. 4.Amendment of the Brucellosis and Tuberculosis (England and Wales) Compensation Order 1978

    6. 5.Savings and transition

  3. PART 2 Testing and Movement

    1. 6.Definition of “disease”

    2. 7.Tests and samples: warrants

    3. 8.Notification of disease in bovine animals

    4. 9.Notification of disease in carcases

    5. 10.Veterinary inquiry as to the existence of disease

    6. 11.Veterinary improvement notice

    7. 11A.Biosecurity requirements notice

    8. 12.Tuberculosis testing

    9. 13.Pre-Movement Testing

    10. 13A.Post-movement testing

    11. 14.Tuberculosis test records

    12. 14A.... Approved finishing units

    13. 15.Prohibitions

    14. 16.Isolation and prohibition on movement of animals

    15. 17.Notification of intended slaughter of animals

    16. 18.Precautions against spread of infection

    17. 19.Suspected animals in markets, shows etc

    18. 20.Control of infection from other animals

    19. 21.Marking of bovine animals

    20. 22.Isolation of M. bovis in a laboratory

    21. 23.General provisions as to notices, licences and approvals

    22. 24.Production of licences

    23. 25.Enforcement

  4. PART 3 Compensation

    1. 26.Compensation for bovine animals slaughtered for tuberculosis

  5. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Calculation of the value of a bovine animal slaughtered for tuberculosis

      1. 1.Calculation

      2. 2.Market value

      3. 3.Failure to comply with a notice

      4. 4.Failure to test animals in accordance with article 12(1)

      5. 5.... Approved finishing units

      6. 6.Slaughter following movement on to premises under licence

      7. 7.Delay in removal for slaughter

      8. 8.Breach of obligations

      9. 9.Other cases

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Permitted movements without pre-movement testing

      1. 1.Movement to slaughter

      2. 2.Movement to slaughter markets

      3. 3.Movement to markets

      4. 4.Movement to collection centres

      5. 5.Movement to exempt finishing units

      6. 6.Movement to approved finishing units

      7. 7.Movement to agricultural shows

      8. 8.Movement within or from the low TB area

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Permitted movements without post-movement testing

      1. 1.Movement to slaughter

      2. 2.Movement to slaughter markets

      3. 3.Movement to exempt finishing units

      4. 4.Movement to approved finishing units

      5. 5.Movement to licensed finishing units

      6. 6.Movement to agricultural shows

      7. 6A.The movement of a bovine animal to an agricultural show...

      8. 7.Movement from the low-risk area in England to the low TB area

  6. Explanatory Note