1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement, interpretation and application

  3. 2.Duty to review cases

  4. 3.Time when each case is to be reviewed

  5. 4.Manner in which cases are to be reviewed

  6. 5.Considerations to which local authorities are to have regard

  7. 6.Consultation, participation and notification

  8. 7.Arrangements for implementation of decisions arising from reviews

  9. 8.Recording review information

  10. 9.Amendments to the Review of Children’s Cases (Wales) Regulations 2007

  11. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Matters to be dealt with in case review

      1. 1.Any change of circumstances of any children or adults in...

      2. 2.The effectiveness of the plan to address the needs of...

      3. 3.The effectiveness of plans to address the needs of adults...

      4. 4.The views of the adults and children in the family....

      5. 5.Whether the plans for the child(ren) or adult(s) should be...

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Considerations to which local authorities are to have regard

      1. PART 1 The child

        1. 1.Any change in the legal status of the child.

        2. 2.Any risks to the child.

        3. 3.Whether the current arrangements for the care of the child...

        4. 4.The child’s developmental progress and whether there is a need...

      2. PART 2 Family

        1. 5.Any changes in the family circumstances since the last review....

        2. 6.Any significant events outside the family which are relevant including...

        3. 7.Any change to the parenting capacity of the parents as...

        4. 8.Any difficulties which the family may have had in engaging...

        5. 9.Whether there is any conflict between the needs of the...

        6. 10.The need to prepare for the ending of the involvement...

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Review of Children’s Cases (Wales) Regulations 2007

  12. Explanatory Note