The Contaminants in Food (Wales) Regulations 2010


2.—(1) In these Regulations—

  • “the Act” (“y Ddeddf”) means the Food Safety Act 1990;

  • “authorised officer” (“swyddog awdurdodedig”) means any person who is authorised in writing, either generally or specifically, by a food authority or as the case may be a port health authority to act in matters arising under these Regulations;

  • “the Commission Regulation” (“Rheoliad y Comisiwn”) means Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs(1);

  • “Commission Regulation 629/2008” (“Rheoliad y Comisiwn 629/2008”) means Commission Regulation (EC) No. 629/2008 amending Regulation (EC) No 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs(2);

  • “Commission Regulation 124/2009” (“Rheoliad y Comisiwn 124/2009”) means Commission Regulation (EC) No. 124/2009 setting maximum levels for the presence of coccidiostats or histomonostats in food resulting from the unavoidable carry-over of these substances in non-target feed(3);

  • “Commission Regulation 165/2010” (“Rheoliad y Comisiwn 165/2010”) means Commission Regulation (EU) No. 165/2010 amending Regulation (EC) No. 1881/2006 setting maximum levels for certain contaminants in foodstuffs as regards aflatoxins(4);

  • “food authority” (“awdurdod bwyd”) does not include a port health authority;

  • “non-target feed” (“bwyd anifeiliaid ar gyfer anifeiliaid nad ydynt yn darged”) has the meaning given to it by Commission Regulation 124/2009;

  • “port health authority” (“awdurdod iechyd porthladd”) means in relation to any port health district constituted by order under section 2(3) of the Public Health (Control of Disease) Act 1984(5), a port health authority for that district constituted by order under section 2(4) of that Act.

(2) Any other expression used in these Regulations and in the Commission Regulation or in Commission Regulation 124/2009 has the same meaning in these Regulations as it bears in those Regulations.

(3) Unless indicated otherwise, any reference to a numbered Article is a reference to the Article so numbered in the Commission Regulation.

(4) Any reference to “the Annex” is a reference to the Annex to the Commission Regulation as that Annex may be amended from time to time, and any reference to the Commission Regulation is to be construed accordingly.


OJ No. L364, 20.12.2006, p.5. This Regulation has been amended by Commission Regulations (EC) No’s 1126/2007 (OJ No. L255, 29.9.2007, p.14), 565/2008 (OJ No. L160, 19.6.2008, p.20) , 629/2008 (OJ No. L173, 3.7.2008, p.6), 105/2010 (OJ No. L35, 6.2.2010, p.7) and 165/2010 (OJ No. L50, 27.2.2010, p.8)


OJ No. L173, 3.7.2008, p.6.


OJ No. L40, 11.2.2009, p.7.


OJ No. L50, 27.2.2010, p.8.