2. In this Order—
“BPEX” (“BPEX”) means the division of the Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board with responsibility for the pig industry in England.
“CPH number” (“rhif CPH”) means the county parish holding number assigned to a holding by the Welsh Ministers;
“herdmark” (“marc cenfaint”) means an alphanumeric code issued by the Welsh Ministers under article 4(2);
“holding” (“daliad”) means any establishment, construction or, in the case of an open air farm, any place in which pigs are held, kept or handled;
“identification mark” (“marc adnabod”) means an eartag or tattoo which complies with article 6;
“keeper” (“ceidwad”) means any person having care and control of pigs, whether on a temporary or permanent basis, but does not include a person who only transports pigs;
“MLCSL” (“MLCSL”) means Meat and Livestock Commercial Services Limited.