Consultation with carers or persons who are cared for

7.  A strategy must set out the steps which a designated authority will take to ensure that consultation with carers or persons cared for is carried out and in particular to ensure—

(a)that consultation with carers about the arrangements for those they care for is carried out as far as possible before decisions are made;

(b)that a carers knowledge of the person cared for is respected by staff providing services and will be used appropriately;

(c)that carers are made aware of the extent of their rights to an assessment of their needs by a local authority and to provision of services;

(d)that carers have assistance in understanding the decisions being made by those providing treatment or services to persons cared for and are encouraged to contribute to the decision making process;

(e)that where decisions are taken in the absence of carers, that carers are provided with an explanation of the decision;

(f)that consultation occurs at regular intervals and includes consideration of when carers need support at short notice;

(g)that consideration is given to the way in which consultation with carers is carried out having regard to any disability which carers may have and having regard to the age, cultural background and language of carers;

(h)that carers and those persons cared for are made aware of the assistance and support that may be available to them from voluntary organisations;

(i)that training on effective consultation is provided to staff.