The Marine Licensing (Exempted Activities) (Wales) Order 2011

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introductory provisions

    1. 1.Title and commencement

    2. 2.Application

    3. 3.Interpretation

    4. 3A.Modification of the Waste Framework Directive

    5. 3B.Meaning of “Mining Waste Directive”

  3. PART 2 Exempt activities – general provisions

    1. 4.Exemption from need for marine licence

    2. 5.Activities relating to disposal or recovery of waste

  4. PART 3 Activities to which article 4 (exemption from need for marine licence) applies, and conditions

    1. 6.Interpretation of this Part

    2. 7.Activities falling within Part 6 of the Merchant Shipping Act 1995

    3. 8.Safety directions under the Merchant Shipping Act 1995

    4. 9.Salvage activities

    5. 10.Fire fighting etc

    6. 11.Air accident investigation

    7. 12.Fishing operations

    8. 13.Shellfish propagation and cultivation

    9. 14.Deposit of marine chemical and marine oil treatment substances etc

    10. 15.Deposit of equipment to control, contain or recover oil etc

    11. 16.Scientific instruments etc

    12. 17.Deposits in the course of aggregates or mineral dredging

    13. 18.Maintenance of coast protection, drainage and flood defence works

    14. 19.Emergency works in response to flood or flood risk

    15. 20.Use of vehicles to remove litter or seaweed from beaches

    16. 21.Deposits in the course of normal navigation or maintenance

    17. 22.Maintenance of harbour works

    18. 23.Removal of obstruction or danger to navigation

    19. 24.Moorings and aids to navigation

    20. 25.Markers for European marine sites

    21. 26.Launching of vessels etc

    22. 27.Dismantling of ships

    23. 28.Diver trails within restricted areas

    24. 29.Coastguard activities – safety purposes and training

    25. 30.Deposit and use of flares etc – safety purposes and training

    26. 31.Cables and pipelines – authorised emergency inspection and repair

    27. 32.Bored tunnels

    28. 33.Rights of foreign vessels etc under international law

    29. 34.Loading of a vehicle or vessel etc for incineration outside Wales , the Welsh inshore region and the Welsh offshore region

  5. Signature

  6. Explanatory Note