The Animal By-Products (Enforcement) (Wales) Regulations 2011

Access in relation to prohibitions in Article 11(1)(a), (b) or (d) of the EU Control Regulation

5.—(1) Animal by-products, including catering waste, must not be brought on to any premises where farmed animals are kept.

(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply—

(a)where, in relation to bringing on to premises, the occupier of the premises and the person having control of the animal by-products ensure that bringing on to the premises will not allow farmed animals to have access to such products;

(b)to derived products, except for the following derived products—

(i)products derived from catering waste; or

(ii)meat and bone meal derived from Category 2 material and processed animal proteins intended to be used as or in organic fertilisers and soil improvers that do not comply with the requirements of Article 32(1)(d) of the EU Control Regulation.