Conditions of grantE+W

9.—(1) On making any grant, the area agency—

(a)must impose conditions relating to such of the following matters (subject to any modification made pursuant to paragraph (b) of this Regulation) as the area agency considers relevant to the circumstances of the grant–

(i)the circumstances in which any grant or part of a grant made under these Regulations may become repayable by the person in respect of whose application it was made;

(ii)the means for securing repayment of such sums as become repayable under [F1sub-paragraph (i)], including (but not limited to) requiring an applicant or owner of a dwelling to enter into a charge or other security over the dwelling;

(iii)(where the applicant is a tenant) obtaining agreement of a landlord not to increase rent for a specified period (save in line with inflation), or not to take into account the work carried out pursuant to a grant made under these Regulations when conducting any rent review; and

(b)may impose such conditions relating to such further, additional or modified matters as may be specified by the area agency with the consent of the Welsh Ministers.

(2) In the event of termination of the appointment of an area agency, the conditions imposed on the making of any grant by the Welsh Ministers must be in accordance with paragraph (1) of this regulation as it applied to the area agency immediately prior to the termination of its appointment.