

General principles for the handling and investigation of concerns

3.  Any arrangements set up under these Regulations for the handling and investigation of concerns must be such as to ensure that—

(a)there is a single point of entry for the submission of concerns;

(b)concerns are dealt with efficiently and openly;

(c)concerns are properly investigated;

(d)provision should be made to establish the expectations of the person notifying the concern and to seek to secure their involvement in the process;

(e)persons who notify concerns are treated with respect and courtesy;

(f)persons who notify concerns are advised of—

(i)the availability of assistance to enable them to pursue their concern;

(ii)advice as to where they may obtain such assistance, if it is required; and

(iii)the name of the person in the relevant responsible body who will act as their contact throughout the handling of their concern;

(g)a Welsh NHS body must give consideration to the making of an offer of redress in accordance with Part 6 where its investigation into the matters raised in a concern reveal that there is a qualifying liability;

(h)persons who notify concerns receive a timely and appropriate response;

(i)persons who notify concerns are advised of the outcome of the investigation;

(j)appropriate action is taken in the light of the outcome of the investigation; and

(k)account is taken of any guidance that may be issued from time to time by the Welsh Ministers.