Permission to appeal

38.—(1) In this regulation “to appeal” (“apelio”) means to make an appeal from a decision of the tribunal to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) and “appellant” (“apelydd”) bears a corresponding meaning.

(2) Where a party makes a request to the tribunal for permission to appeal the request may be made—

(a)orally at the hearing at which the decision is announced by the tribunal; or

(b)subsequently in writing to the office of the tribunal.

(3) A request for permission to appeal must be made within 21 days of the date specified in the decision notice as the date the decision was given.

(4) Where a request for permission to appeal is made in writing it must be signed by the appellant or the appellant’s representative and must—

(a)state the name and address of the appellant and of any representative of the appellant;

(b)identify the decision and the tribunal to which the request for permission to appeal relates; and

(c)state the grounds on which the appellant intends to rely in the appeal.

(5) The tribunal must within the period of 14 days starting with the day the tribunal receives the request for permission to appeal—

(a)send a copy of that request to the other party to the application which is the subject of the request; and

(b)where the appellant withdraws the request for permission to appeal, inform the other party of that withdrawal.

(6) As soon as reasonably practicable after making a decision on a request for permission to appeal the tribunal must send a notice, including reasons for the decision, to the appellant and to the other parties to the application which is the subject of the appeal.

(7) A determination or interim order of a tribunal under regulation 12(3) is treated as a decision of the tribunal for the purposes of this regulation.

(8) A decision under paragraph (6) must include a statement of any relevant statutory provision, rule or guidance relating to any further request to the Upper Tribunal (Lands Chamber) for permission to appeal and of the time and place for making the further request or for giving notice of appeal.