1. Introductory Text

  2. PART 1 Introduction

    1. 1.Title

    2. 2.Application

    3. 3.Coming into force

    4. 4.Transitional measures for holdings not previously in a nitrate-vulnerable zone

    5. 5.Meaning of “polluted water”

    6. 6.Interpretation

  3. PART 2 Designation of nitrate vulnerable zones

    1. 7.Designation of nitrate vulnerable zones

    2. 8.Appeals

    3. 9.Proceedings before the appointed person

    4. 10.Effect of a determination made by the appointed person

    5. 11.Review of nitrate vulnerable zones

  4. PART 3 Limiting the application of organic manure

    1. 12.Application of livestock manure – total nitrogen limit for the whole holding

    2. 13.Spreading organic manure – nitrogen limits per hectare

  5. PART 3A Derogation

    1. 13A.Application for a derogation

    2. 13B.Appeal against refusal of a derogation application

    3. 13C.Derogated holdings

  6. PART 4 Crop Requirements

    1. 14.Planning the spreading of nitrogen fertiliser

    2. 15.Additional information to be recorded during the year

    3. 16.Total nitrogen spread on a holding

    4. 17.Calculating the amount of nitrogen available for crop uptake from organic manure

    5. 18.Maximum nitrogen limits by crop

  7. PART 5 Controlling the spreading of nitrogen fertiliser

    1. 19.Risk maps

    2. 20.When to spread fertiliser

    3. 21.Spreading manufactured nitrogen fertiliser near surface water

    4. 22.Spreading organic manure near surface water, boreholes, springs or wells

    5. 23.Controlling how nitrogen fertiliser is spread

    6. 24.Incorporating organic manure into the ground

  8. PART 6 Closed periods for spreading nitrogen fertiliser

    1. 25.Meaning of “organic manure with high readily available nitrogen”

    2. 26.Closed periods for spreading organic manure with high readily available nitrogen

    3. 27.Exemptions: crops sown before 15 September

    4. 28.Exemptions for organic holdings

    5. 29.Restrictions following the closed period

    6. 30.Times in which spreading manufactured nitrogen fertiliser is prohibited

  9. PART 7 Storage of Organic Manure

    1. 31.Storage of organic manure

    2. 32.Temporary field sites

    3. 33.Further requirements applicable to temporary field sites from 1 January 2014

    4. 34.Separation of slurry

    5. 35.Storage capacity

  10. PART 8 Calculations and records

    1. 36.Recording the size of the holding

    2. 37.Records relating to storage of manure during the storage period

    3. 38.Annual records relating to storage

    4. 39.Record of nitrogen produced by animals on the holding

    5. 40.Livestock manure brought on to or sent off the holding

    6. 41.Sampling and analysis

    7. 42.Records of crops sown

    8. 43.Records of spreading nitrogen fertiliser

    9. 44.Subsequent records

    10. 45.Keeping of advice

    11. 46.Duration of records

  11. PART 9 Review

    1. 47.Monitoring and review

    2. 48.Public participation

    3. 48A.Implementation report

  12. PART 10 Enforcement

    1. 49.Offences and penalties

    2. 50.Enforcement

    3. 51.Revocations

  13. Signature

    1. SCHEDULE 1

      Amount of manure, nitrogen and phosphate produced by grazing livestock and non-grazing livestock

    2. SCHEDULE 2

      Fruit Species

    3. SCHEDULE 3

      Calculating nitrogen in organic manure

      1. PART 1 Standard table

      2. PART 2 Sampling and analysis of organic manure

        1. 1.Slurry and other liquid and semi-liquid organic manure

        2. 2.Solid manures

    4. SCHEDULE 4

      Permitted crops for the closed period

    5. SCHEDULE 5

      Derogated holdings

      1. 1.The following additional requirements apply to derogated holdings.

      2. 2.Introductory

      3. 3.Derogation from the measures governing the limit on application of livestock manure

      4. 4.Planning the spreading of phosphate fertiliser

      5. 5.Other requirements for fertilisation plans

      6. 6.Soil sampling and analysis

      7. 7.Additional information to be recorded during the year

      8. 8.Risk maps

      9. 9.Maintaining the derogated holding as a grassland holding

      10. 10.Closed period for ploughing grass on the derogated holding

      11. 11.Sowing of crops following grass on the derogated holding

      12. 12.Crop rotation on the derogated holding

      13. 13.Recording the size of the derogated holding

      14. 14.Records relating to storage of manure during the storage period

      15. 15.Record of nitrogen and phosphate produced by animals

      16. 16.Livestock manure intended to be brought on to or sent off the derogated holding

      17. 17.Records of crops sown

      18. 18.Records of spreading phosphate fertiliser

      19. 19.Recording the date of ploughing

      20. 20.Fertilisation accounts

  14. Explanatory Note