
PART 2Membership of the joint committee

Eligibility requirements for members of the joint committee

5.—(1) Any person must fulfil the relevant requirements for eligibility in Schedule 2 to these Regulations before that person may be appointed as a chair of the joint committee and must continue to fulfil the relevant requirements while that person holds office.

(2) The officer member may only hold office on the joint committee provided he or she continues to exercise the functions of the Chief Ambulance Services Commissioner.

(3) Any person appointed pursuant to regulation 4(2) to be a vice-chair or who is an associate member or chief officer of the joint committee will only hold office on the joint committee provided they continue to hold office as appropriate as a chief executive of a NHS Trust in Wales or a chief officer of a Local Health Board.

(4) A nominated representative of a chief officer may only hold office on the joint committee provided he or she continues to hold office as an officer member, as set out in regulation 3(2) of the Local Health Board (Constitution, Membership and Procedures) (Wales) Regulations 2009, of the chief officer’s Local Health Board.