SCHEDULE 4Record Keeping Standards

Regulation 2(4)



Standards relating to a body keeping records

Standard 141:

You must keep a record, in relation to each financial year, of the number of complaints you receive relating to your compliance with standards.

Standard 142:

You must keep a copy of any written complaint that you receive that relates to your compliance with the standards with which you are under a duty to comply.

Standard 143:

You must keep a copy of any written complaint that you receive that relates to the Welsh language (whether or not that complaint relates to the standards with which you are under a duty to comply).

Standard 144:

You must keep a record of the steps that you have taken in order to ensure compliance with the policy making standards with which you are under a duty to comply.

Standard 145:

You must keep a record (following assessments of your employees’ Welsh language skills made in accordance with standard 123), of the number of employees who have Welsh language skills at the end of each financial year and, where you have that information, you must keep a record of the skill level of those employees.

Standard 146:

You must keep a record, for each financial year of—

  1. a

    the number of members of staff who attended training courses provided in Welsh (in accordance with standard 124), and

  2. b

    if a Welsh version of a course was provided in accordance with standard 124, the percentage of the total number of staff attending the course who attended that version.

Standard 147:

You must keep a copy of every assessment that you carry out (in accordance with standard 132) in respect of the Welsh language skills that may be needed in relation to a new or vacant post.

Standard 148:

You must keep a record, in relation to each financial year, of the number of new and vacant posts which were categorised (in accordance with standard 132) as posts where—

  1. a

    Welsh language skills are essential;

  2. b

    Welsh language skills need to be learnt when appointed to the post;

  3. c

    Welsh language skills are desirable; or

  4. ch

    Welsh language skills are not necessary.



The standards specified in Part 1 of this Schedule must be interpreted as follows.


For the purposes of standards 141, 145, 146 and 148 “financial year” means the body’s own financial year.