Transitional modifications in respect of deferred payments
4. Where a deferred payment agreement under section 55 of the 2001 Act (power for local authorities to take charges on land instead of contributions) is in force in respect of a person to whom, by virtue of paragraph 2, the Act does not apply, the deferred payment agreement under section 55 of the 2001 Act is to continue to apply on the terms and conditions which pertained to it immediately before the coming into force of the Act, save that from the relevant date in relation to the person concerned, references in that agreement to—
(a)accommodation provided under Part 3 of the 1948 Act must be read as including accommodation provided by a local authority under section 35 or 36 (duty or power to meet care and support needs of an adult) of the Act (including anything provided in connection with that accommodation), and
(b)relevant contributions must be read as including the amount due from the person to the local authority under section 59 of the Act or, as the case may be, in accordance with regulations under section 57(2) of the Act.