PART 8Inquiries

Notice of decisionI136


The Welsh Ministers must notify the decision to any person who has asked to be notified of the decision and whom the Welsh Ministers consider it reasonable to notify.


Notification of a decision and reasons under this regulation are taken to have been given to a person where—


the Welsh Ministers have published the decision and reasons on a website; and


the person is notified of—


the publication of the decision and reasons on a website;


the address of the website.


Where a copy of the appointed person’s report is not sent with the notification of the decision, the notification must be accompanied by a statement of the appointed person’s conclusions and of any recommendations made by the appointed person.


In this regulation, “report” (“adroddiad”) does not include any documents appended to the appointed person’s report; but any person who has received a copy of the report may apply to the Welsh Ministers in writing for an opportunity to inspect any such documents and the Welsh Ministers must afford that person that opportunity.


For the purposes of paragraph (3), an opportunity is to be taken to have been afforded to a person where that person is notified of—


publication of the relevant documents on a website;


the address of the website; and


the place on the website where the documents may be accessed and how they may be accessed.