The Childcare Act 2006 (Local Authority Assessment) (Wales) Regulations 2016

2.  Subject to paragraph (3), the local authority’s assessment must include in respect of each type of childcare specified in regulation 2(2), details of—

(a)the total number of—

(i)childcare places filled;

(ii)childcare places required;

(b)the number of full-time and part-time—

(i)childcare places filled;

(ii)childcare places required;

(c)the number of—

(i)places filled and required in respect of which the childcare costs element of working tax credit or the childcare costs element of universal credit may be used;

(ii)places filled and required for which parents would be able to use employer supported childcare or tax free childcare;

(iii)places filled and required for children who have special educational needs or who require specialist care due to a disability;

(iv)free childcare places filled and required for children aged 2 years old;

(v)free foundation phase places filled, required and available for children aged 3 and 4 years old;

(vi)Welsh language places filled and required;

(vii)vacant places; and

(viii)children on childcare provider waiting lists;

(d)the times at which—

(i)the childcare is required;

(ii)the childcare is available;

(e)the range of services offered by the childcare provider;

(f)the range of session lengths offered by the childcare provider;

(g)the type of childcare provider that offers flexible childcare hours;

(h)the number of childcare providers that offer flexible childcare hours;

(i)the age range of children in the types of childcare specified in regulation 2(2); and

(j)the range of charges for the childcare.