C1SCHEDULE 5Certification of plant material


PART 2Certification of pre-basic material

Maintenance requirements: pre-basic material and pre-basic mother plantsI18


A supplier must—


maintain pre-basic mother plants and pre-basic material in facilities designated for the genera or species concerned, which are insect proof and ensure freedom from infection through aerial vectors and any other possible sources throughout the production process;


grow or produce pre-basic mother plants and pre-basic material isolated from the soil, in individually labelled pots of soil-free or of sterilised growing media;


ensure pre-basic mother plants and pre-basic material are individually identified throughout the production process;


keep candidate pre-basic mother plants under insect proof conditions, and physically isolated from pre-basic mother plants in the facilities referred to in paragraph (a), until all tests concerning compliance with paragraph 9 have been concluded.


But sub-paragraph (1) does not apply where the Welsh Ministers authorise the production of pre-basic mother plants (including candidate pre-basic mother plants) and pre-basic material in a field under non-insect proof conditions, which the Welsh Ministers may do if satisfied—


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the plants and material are identified by labels that ensure traceability; and


appropriate measures are taken to prevent infection of the plants and material by aerial vectors, root contact, cross infection by machinery, grafting tools or any other possible source.


Pre-basic mother plants and pre-basic material—


may be maintained by cryopreservation; and


may only be used for a period calculated on the basis of the stability of the variety or the environmental conditions under which they are grown and any other determinants having an impact on the stability of the variety.