2. The following provisions of the Act come into force on 18 October 2017—
section 2 (the Welsh Revenue Authority);
section 3 (membership);
section 4 (disqualification for appointment as non-executive member);
section 5 (terms of non-executive membership);
section 6 (appointment of elected executive member);
section 7 (removal of members etc.);
section 8 (committees and sub-committees);
section 9 (chief executive and other staff);
section 10 (procedure);
section 11 (validity of proceedings and acts);
section 12 (main functions);
section 13 (internal authorisation to carry out functions);
section 14 (delegation of functions);
section 15 (general directions);
section 16 (use of information by WRA and delegates);
section 17 (confidentiality of protected taxpayer information);
section 18 (permitted disclosures);
section 19 (declaration of confidentiality);
section 20 (offence of wrongful disclosure of protected taxpayer information);
section 21(1) (court proceedings);
section 22 (evidence);
section 23 (funding);
section 27 (corporate plan);
section 29 (accounts);
section 33 (accounting officer);
section 34 (Welsh public records);
section 35 (Public Services Ombudsman);
section 66 (unjustified enrichment: reimbursement arrangements);
section 69(3) and (4) (duty to keep and preserve records);
section 101(3) and (4) (protection for privileged communications between legal advisers and clients);
section 163 (rates of late payment interest and repayment interest); and
section 167 (fees for payment).