SCHEDULEAuthorised Fuels

96.  Supertherm 30 manufactured by CPL Fuels Ireland, Foynes Briquetting Works, Foynes Port, Foynes, Co. Limerick, Ireland which–

(a)comprise anthracite fines (as to approximately 40 to 65% of the total weight), petroleum coke (as to approximately 20 to 40% of the total weight), bituminous coal (as to approximately 0 to 20% of the total weight), biomass (as to approximately 5 to 20% of the total weight), biomass char (as to approximately 0 to 10% of the total weight) and an organic binder or, molasses and acid binder (as to a maximum of 20% of the total weight);

(b)were manufactured from those constituents by a process involving roll-pressing and heat treatment up to 300°C;

(c)are unmarked-pillow shaped briquettes or, unmarked hexagonal briquettes or, pillow-shaped ovoids with two parallel indented lines running latitudinally around each briquette or, hexagonal briquettes with a single stripe on one side across the flat;

(d)have an average weight of 125 to 135 grams per briquette; and

(e)have a sulphur content not exceeding 2% of the total weight.